chapter 34:

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Don't own anything

Alnus hill miku nakano pov:

(Theme playing in the backround)

General Shephard telling me all this after getting back from talking to a demi god named hardy. He understands i may not get but i never seen him so sweating but still he creeps me out he's excited after he explains everything to me mobius 1 tells him to take a nap.

It all makes sense now learning about the enemy is so knocked came from the door suprisingly shino came in she took off her mask set downed next to me.

Miku: you travel fast * i handed her my flavorite drink *

Shino: what kind of enemy are we dealing with

I gave her a rundown

I gave her a rundown

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(Author note: top right corner last imagine thats ghost glaring down the people he killed f22 raptor flyes over him)

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(Author note: top right corner last imagine thats ghost glaring down the people he killed f22 raptor flyes over him)

After that explanation shino asked me something so i gave it too her.

Miku: shephard & my husband are going to war jdsf will accept this choice just be prepared allegiance might come in between so i suggest you build up a family with ghost

Shino: how did you ..

Miku: its been months knowing you & riley san.

Text came from general shephard must have woken up from sleeping telling me to begin phase one. Destroyer & other staff people along with  sandman macmillan nikolai my stepfather maruo his medic expertise just in case of the mass casualties we need his help. Lastly general shephard came.

Shephard: jade palace is hanging in balance. As for the people who live in the capital city jdsf will plan to rescue while we support them.

Sandman: but they will attack

Macmillan: then we hit them back hard

Destroyer: molt zorzal are dead there followers are the ones plotting this tyruule is one of them. Plan is simple hammer down protcol empire will be wiped out

Hazama: ......... I agree to this

Shephard: you sure my friend?

Hazama: obviously they sent bunny to assassinate two rescued men got yanagida in a wheelchair president of the united states once them dead too even the prime minister is agreeing to this

Maruo: i'm afraid peace to them peace dosen't mix well they believed money fame power so wipe them out the face the earth

Miku: still father that can lead creatures that we never seen before will come out of hiding * i gave him a iPad video feed wyatt's cam * this is one of them wyatt mari one of the members K9 unit encountered a large big dog

Overlord: what kind of dog?

Miku: i guess its a fenrir

Maruo watching it

(Something like this but bigger)

Shephard: this defiantly reminds me of the movie the grey with liam neeson

Ace pilot rolled his eyes

Destroyer: i remember we both watch that movie on HBO on demand you throwing ......

Shephard comically shoving popcorn in his mouth that was snatched away from soap.

Shephard: anyways. Don't bit me😒. 141 lets get to work if they want they got one

Epilogue author pov:

Shino looked at the small device she smiles shedding a tear

(No to be continued this time)

Rich fools wanted to create wars they will taste our war you know what they bullets are faster than blades.

You hear that song next few chapters i will soon expressed my feelings of this insanity


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