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It was a dark day for me.  I woke up with a feeling of dread at the pit of my stomach. It was similar to a feeling you get when you have acute PUD and you have not eaten for over 30 hours. When I woke up, I felt the dread hit me like a brick to the head( hey, that rhymed). This feeling was very strange to me  because my life was generally great. I was considered as one of the lucky kids. You have to understand, I had everything going for me. I had rich parents. I got everything I ever wanted. I know there were kids at school that looked at me and said, Man I wish I was that girl. That's how good my life was. I had it all, money, popularity, boys, an Iphone 11 SE. I was that girl that got invited to all the parties. Got all the guys she wanted. So when I woke up that day feeling insanely uncomfortable, I knew something was wrong. I got dressed with that same feeling of dread hanging around me, I had a light breakfast, just two pieces of toast. Then I went to the garage to start my car and went to school.


It was a new day at Reefer View High School. We had just got back from spring break, and everyone had the first day fever, gathering in little groups, yapping away about all the raging parties and trips they had over the break. Of course, I got a lot of high fives, fist bumps and hellos. It was quite exhausting, but I couldn't say i didn't like it. Through the huge crowd of people. I noticed something odd. Usually all the attention was on me, but now I noticed a growing crowd of people around a new person. All of a sudden, my stomach pit, the dreadful feeling, the discomfort, it all made sense. Like a lion whose place of royalty was being challenged, I rushed towards the enemy. Expecting to see a familiar face, one I have dirt on, so I could tear them down in a second and resume my place at the top of the popularity chain. Walking through the crowd, the way was parted for me like I was a monarch( because I kinda was) And through I went until I stood face to face with the threat to my social monarchy. Unfortunately, he was nothing like I expected. His name was James and he was set to wow the crowd with his British accent and sophisticated demeanour and I was going to have none of it. I was short of words, but luckily I was saved by the bell. "Good morning Reefer Bulls"  The sound of the school announcements blew out of the speaker. Today everyone was excited. To the detriment of out teen leadership program, we had a spring treasure hunt. And the grand prize was an Iphone X max. I did not need one obviously. I had the Iphone 11 SE. So I wasn't even that excited. All through that day, less and less people were crowding around me. Everyone was going to meet James. In the halls, at lunch, during PE. It was like I was Mitt Romney and he was Barack Obama. Which is ironic because I am black and James was white. We had office workers at our school. And my period in the office turned out to be right before James'. I was packing up my stuff when James walked in. He set his backpack down and left, mumbling that he needed to use the bathroom. I just ignored him and kept on packing up my stuff, then I saw it. The Iphone X max. I looked back and forth from the phone to James' backpack, then a devilish thought formed in my mind. In a flash I had the phone in my hand. Two seconds later, James walked in. I gave him my most charming smile and walked out. Without the phone though, that was safely stowed at the bottom of his backpack.

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