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Ava🦋 POV

Ugh never again am I drinking, this is the second night and the mornings are the worst. I looked around as my eyes started to hurt from the sun ☀️. I

looked down and seen Dejuane peacefully sleeping like a baby. I seen I was still in the same clothes as yesterday and had the same makeup on and it felt

weird and gross because I never leave my makeup for this long and I always take showers at night and in the morning, and sometimes in the middle of the

day or after school because I feel sweaty and gross. I got out of his bed carefully and quietly so I didn't wake him up. My head started to bang as I got up. I

went in his drawers and pulled out one of his sweaters and I seen a pair of shorts I left over and grabbed them walking in the bathroom. I washed my

face with water and found and extra toothbrush and brushed my teeth. After I changed I slipped on a pair of his socks and slipped them on and put my shoes

back on. Grabbing all my things I walked out his room and went downstairs seeing his mom Kristi. I walked in the kitchen giving her a hug.

" hey mama " I say

" hey baby what you doing here " she asks

" because Dejuane wanted me to stay the night " I say taking an Apple

" mhm mum called me looking for you but your lucky I love you " she says taking a sip out of her juice

" thanks but I gotta go love ❤️ you " I says giving her a hug goodbye 👋🏼

She waved and I walked away leaving the house. I walked down the street to my house. My mother's car wasn't there so she must have been at work.

I walked in my house going straight for the kitchen looking for something to fill my empty stomach. I fund some pizza bites and grabbed them. I found a

microwaveable dish and put the whole bag of pizza bites on the dish and put them in the microwave. For some reason I've been really hungry and every time I

eat it's toile it despairs and I've been throwing up ever since the night me and Dejuane had sex. I took them out the microwave placed them down to cool

and looked for something else to knowing this wasn't gonna fill me. I found some gummy bears and sour gummy worms. I grabbed a water out of the fridge

and juice pack and grabbed everything walking upstairs. I've been noticing I've noticing that I'm gained weight but I shook it off. I sat on my bed and

started eating my food until I got this urge to throw up. I got up running to the bathroom and puked in the toilet. I got up wiping my mouth and brushed my

teeth. I gargled mouthwash in my mouth then spit it out. I decided to get in the shower since I was already in the bathroom and needed one.

I finished applying lotion and deodorant and got dressed in something comfortable since my date wasn't till 6 and I'm not feeling so good.

I chucked my curly hair into a messy bun and put lashes on and lipgloss then walked back out laying on my bed

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I chucked my curly hair into a messy bun and put lashes on and lipgloss then walked back out laying on my bed. I grabbed the gummy worms as started

eating them. My phone started ringing indicating that someone was calling me interrupting my mood.

Incoming Dejuane🥺💜🍍💞

I answered and seen his big head pop up in the camera. He looked like he just woke up and he looked so cute🤤. I smiled and he mugged me.

" so why you leave me " he said looking at the camera making this funny face

" because I needed to go home and shower and stop looking at me like that it's funny 😭" i said laughing and took a gummy worm

" shut up and are date is still on for 5:30 " he said getting out of bed

" umm sorry sir but you said 6 that's thirty minutes behind " I said

" I know so be ready at 5 " he said hanging up

I looked at the phone confused. I shook my head and looked at the time seeing it was 2 and I needed to get ready but luckily I already took a shower and that

took a bunch on time off for me. I walked over to my vanity and sat down grabbing my moisturizer.
40 minutes later

I smiled at my reflection and approved of my makeup up. I applied lipgloss and sat up going to my hair stuff and grabbed my straightener and curling

iron plugging both of them in. I sectioned my hair into 4 parts and applied heat protectant oil and some silk oil and waited for the straightener to heat up.
1 hour later

I unplugged my irons and let the cool off. I sprayed more setting spray to my face and walked to my closet looking for an outfit. After about 20 minutes

on debating on which outfit to were I finally picked one. I grabbed the outfit and walked in the bathroom changing into it.

I finished putting on my jewelry and sat on my bed yawning 🥱

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I finished putting on my jewelry and sat on my bed yawning 🥱. I'm still tired since I haven't got that much sleep 😴. I looked and seen there was about

20 minutes until Dejuane came to pick me up so I laid down closing my eyes.

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