All these years

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A/N: This is based off of all these years by camila.

Camila's POV:

My sweaty palms gripped the car door as I braced myself for what was about to happen. My heart was beating uncontrollably and I swear I could feel it in my throat.

Today was the first show of the  Jingle Ball tour, and the word 'nervous' couldn't even begin to describe how I felt at this moment. This is the first time in a year I was going to be in the same room as Fifth Harmony. The first time I would see them since I left the group. The first time I would see my former best friends who I used to share my life with. The first time I would see her.

I tried not to think about it too much because I didn't want it to affect my performance, but it was hard to ignore. I was not about to let my personal life affect my professional one. I just really hope I don't have an awkward encounter with the girls. That's the last thing I need to deal with right now.

I took a deep breath before finally opening the door of the van. I was wearing black knee high boots with a fishnet top and a leather newsboy cap. I made my way over to the red carpet to start doing press. The media at events like these were crazy. There were cameras everywhere and you barely had time to blink before people were shouting your name and bombarding you with all types of crazy questions. This was the one part of my job I wish I didn't have to deal with. All I wanted to do was get up on stage and sing for the fans.

After finally getting through the red carpet, a security guard led me to my dressing room backstage; still no sign of my former band mates, thank god.

After getting settled into my dressing room, I started scrolling through my phone. I avoided going on Twitter because I knew everyone would be buzzing about a possible "reunion" between myself and Fifth Harmony, and I really was not in the mood.

Don't get me wrong, I love the girls, they're my best friends. But after leaving the group we lost contact because of our busy schedules, and I would rather meet up with them when we weren't under the eye of the media, it would be less awkward. I also didn't know if I was ready to face her yet. When I left the group, things between us were complicated, to say the least.

"Camila what are we doing?" Lauren asked me desperately. I knew she was being serious because she never used my actual name.

"What do you mean Lauren?"

"Are you just going to leave the group and forget about me? Forget about us? After everything we've been through?" The raven haired beauty was on the verge of tears as she yelled at me, her green eyes shooting daggers into mine. I knew I hurt her by my decision, but it was for the best.

"Laur, you know I can't stay here. It's not right for me. I can't keep being held back by the fucking management. I didn't audition for X-Factor with the intent of being someone's puppet. I'm sick of being the 'Camila' they want me to be. I want to be myself. Sometimes I feel like I've lost the real 'Camila' and I need to be on my own for a while in order to find her again."

Her tears were freely falling now. "So that's it? We're just...done? I finally got you back Camz....after all this fighting and hiding and you're just going to throw it away. You're so selfish Camila. You're doing what's best for yourself but have you ever thought about what's best for the group? What's best for me?"

"It's not like that Lauren. You know I love you. This isn't about-"

"No. Save it. We're done. You've made your decision." Her words were ice cold. The tension in the room was so thick I could barely stand it.

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