Part 6

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3rd person view
Darcy woke up somewhere around 9, she sat up and looked at the clock
" D*mn, Bloom's probably already in Class by now " she said as she layed back down on the couch, staring at the Ceiling. " Ugh, I have to get Rid of Stella, she's really Annoying and starting to get on my nerves " Darcy said as she closed her eyes. Her mind drifted to Bloom. " Wonder how she's doing.. " she thought. Darcy Blushed as she thought Heavily on Bloom, thankfully she was alone or else Stella would keep pestering her about it.

Bloom POV

I tried to Focus through class but somehow my mind had driven back to Darcy.. No, I'm straight and I'm with the best boyfriend anyone could have in the world, I can't Fall for Darcy, she's been my enemy for 2 years.
I decided to talk to Musa about it, I would talk to Stella but she's, well, I don't wanna say it but she's kinda a loud one. She also might not be comfortable talking about Darcy since she still hates her. I managed to Spot Musa and run up to her " hey Musa..? " I say, Musa turned around " oh, Hey Bloom, wassup? " Musa said as she smiled. " Can we talk somewhere Private? Like, Alone? " I asked, as I looked around the Crowded Hallway, " okay? " Musa said as she gave me a Confused look. She followed me towards the garden, we sat down near a tree. " So, Bloom, what did you want to talk about? " Musa asked, I looked away shyly " i.. uh, I think I have feelings for someone else.. I honestly don't know how to explain it, Promise you won't tell? " I asked, Musa nodded " uh, jeez, how do I say it... I think I have feelings for Darcy.. " Musa Gasped " WHAT?! " Musa yelled, I covered her Mouth " you promised you wouldn't tell! " I said, Musa moved my hand " sorry, but, ya'know that makes you Bisexual too right? What about sky? " I started to form tears in my eyes " that's the problem, I don't know who to choose, Sky is a amazing person but Darcy makes me feel so Right. She makes me feel so good when I'm around her. " I said, I started crying thinking how Horrible I was for even feeling this way. Musa hugged me and patted my back " it's okay Bloom, shh, It's okay, let it all out, shh " we stood there for a couple of minutes as Musa was comforting me. " Look, there's Probably a decent Chance of Darcy liking you back, she even told me so " I stared at Musa " she what? " I was confused " when Darcy and I were alone I asked her and she said yes, and no need to feel ashamed, It's natural " Musa said as she patted Bloom " but... What about Sky? We've been together for so long and.. I'd hate to break his heart.. " I said looking down " eh, Forget about him, Bloom, do what makes you happy! " I smiled, " thanks Musa, I knew I could count on you! " I said, as I hugged her " oof! No problem " Musa said, I stood up and went to my next class. After that I'll finally ask her out "

Note from the Author-
Hi! Sorry it took so long! I hope you guys liked it as much as I did writing it! I could use some tips in writing since this is my very first story, till then, cya next part!

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