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Rues P.O.V
"Welcome to the 74th annual hunger games" the capital escort a man this year said "we will now being the reeping" quiet mumbles can from around 11 the man walked to a bowl filled with names "let's start with the boy This year shall we" he cleared his throat "the male tribute for the 74th annual hunger games is" he carefully pulled a name from the bottom of the bowl "thresh maconna" a boy from the 16 year old section emerged and was lead by 2 peacekeepers to the stage "and our female tribute is, Rue scole" he said I was in shock I Walked to the cold stone steps "our tributes thresh and rue" the anthem played and everyone began to go back to their homes "well my names Titan I'm your capital escort" he said "come on to the train quickly quickly" he said ushering us to the train "I sat across from thresh in silence he spoke first "so" he said in a deep voice I expected from him "how much you wanna bet that both tributes from 3,8 and 9 die in the cornucopia" I almost cried right then and their the last thing I wanted to talk about was the death of other tributes I didn't want kill anyone I just wanted to go home with my mother and sisters, the train left the gates of 11 I waved good bye to our district because I wasn't coming back until i was in a wooden box with my mother crying over me and my youngest sister asking wen I would be home, my mother would not answer I would be dead Thresh might have a chance at winning me on the other hand I'm 12. "Rue?" He asked "I don't wanna talk about it" I said and with that I stormed out of the train car and back into my room.
I wanted to disappear right then and their just sink into the soft bed but just as I fell asleep Titan called me for dinner I was hungry so I tried down the hall inspecting to see a small plate with a bit of corn on it and maybe meat if I was lucky but Instead a feast awaited me Turkey, potatoes mashed and baked, pies, cookies, Cakes , steak it smelt so good I stared at the food my mouth watering Thresh emerged in the hall behind me "whoa!" He said gazing upon all the food all the food waiting to be eaten "well sit" Titan instructed we raced to the table and began piling out plates sky high with food Thresh scarfed down his steak and mashed potatoes i nibbled on my turkey and corn he ate about 3 plates of it before he stopped and when on to Desert, me I only had 1 plate and a bit of desert I was never much of a seconds kind for girl so I passed on secoundsand headed back to my room,
The night brought no sleep to me, I lay awake starring at the chandler it moves slowly back and fourth back and fourth Until finally it docked my to sleep.

Glitter waffles: sorry the chapter wasn't long this is one of my 1st chapters don't hate like Those the last names I randomly picked em, but I'm gonna post again soon you know when I type thresh's side of the story THATS RIGHT SWITCH P.O.V! BOOM!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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