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"Did you see Mr. Jeon yesterday?" Taehyung groans, spread out on his bed, rambling to his roommate. "He was wearing these tight gray dress pants, and his shirt was tucked in with a belt. I could see his figure so clearly. He really shouldn't be allowed to wear that stuff— doesn't leave a lot to the imagination."

"Yet you imagine him a lot," Jimin snorts.

Taehyung frowns, but shrugs, resting his head on his forearms. "He's hot, what do you expect?"

"Whatever. Speaking of Mr. Jeon, you have his class in fifteen minutes," Jimin says as he gets off his bed to start packing his bag for his next class as well.

"How do you know my schedule so well?"

"One of us has to."

"Fair enough. And I'm only getting up because I get to see Jungkook."

"Tae," Jimin frowns, finally turning to his best friend. "He's probably straight. Hell, he could even be married."

"Nah, never seen a ring. Besides, he's only a few years older."

"That doesn't make it right," the brunette points out, Taehyung shrugging again. "Tae, I'm telling you. I know you like to play games and shit, but trying to get with one of our teachers... that's a dangerous game."

Taehyung hums in acknowledgement as he sits up on his bed, smirking. "But long as I win, it doesn't matter, right?"

"Wrong. Very wrong, still."

"If wanting to eat his ass is wrong, then I don't wanna be right," Taehyung states, Jimin grimacing in disgust.

"You're vile."

"Thank you, my dear," Taehyung bows dramatically, grabbing his bag. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a guy to win over."

Jimin rolls his eyes as his friend leaves the room, grinning. "Never gonna happen!"

"We'll see!" Taehyung yells back as the door closes behind him, a smirk still on his lips.

He's used to getting what he wants— the school's resident bad boy with a reputation. People tend to cave in and give him what he wants, whether it's at the mercy of his charm or his strength. Taehyung gets what he wants.

And what he wants, is the hot teacher that's standing in front of him, oblivious to the way Taehyung is raking his eyes over his body. He's a handsome man, but he still has a baby face, despite his age. He's muscular— Taehyung can tell, and he bites on his pencil, eyes trailing down when the man turns around to get something.

It's been a couple of weeks since the semester began at the boarding school, and it's been two weeks full of Taehyung doing nothing but thirsting over his new math teacher. Maybe he's done some homework here and there, maybe one or two hookups, but most of his time was occupied scheming up a way to be left alone with the beautiful man.

Taehyung hates school, but he could listen to Jungkook talk all day. And don't even get him started on looking at him. Jungkook has a very masculine build, but his frame is still smaller than Taehyung's, little waist on display in those high waisted pants.

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