Chapter 6: Basil on the Case

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Angel's POV:
"This case is most intriguing with its multiplicity of elements...its many twists and turns." Basil says as he paces back and forth.
Olivia and I have just finished telling Basil our story and, luckily, he seems interested.

He turns to us and asks, "Now you're certain you two have told me everything? The slightest detail may be important."

"It's just as we said. And then our father was gone." Olivia says to him.

"What do you make of it?" Dawson asks Basil.

Basil begins to pace once more and Olivia follows him as I stand by Dawson.

"Hmm. Ratigan's up to something. A crime of most sinister nature, no doubt. The question is... What would he want with a toymaker?" Basil asks and Olivia stops following and pulls out a sheet of paper and unfolds it.

"I miss father..." She says and I walk over to see what she has.

"Olivia, why did you bring this with you?" I ask, taking the paper. It's the colored portrait I did of the three of us.

Basil stops pacing and peers over my shoulder.

"That is your father?" He asks, taking the paper from my hand.

"Y...Yes." I say, nervous about the project I worked so very hard on.

"This is a drawing of you three... this is great craftsmanship. Who did you have this done by?" Basil asks.

"Oh, that's one of my birthday presents. Angel made it for me all by herself!" Olivia says.

"You made this?" He looks at me.

I nod. "Yes I did. I'm in school to become an artist and an author. I came here for Olivia's birthday." I tell him.

"It's.. um.... A terrific job, my dear." He says, handing it back.

I blush at the compliment and hand it back to Olivia. She puts it in her skirt pocket as Basil starts to pace again and she follows.

I stand up and dust off my skirt.
Olivia screams and we look to the window to see the bat who kidnapped our father, fall from upside down at the window.

"Quickly Dawson! We've not a moment to lose!" Basil exclaims as he runs out of the house.

"Uh, uh I'm right behind you Basil!" Dawson says, running after him.

"Stay here, Olivia." I tell her at the door and run out after the two mice.

Basil looks around and kneels down to look at the sidewalk, where Fidget left behind muddy footprints.

"No sign of the blackart anywhere." Dawson says.

"Not quite, Dawson. He left some rather unusual footprints. They obviously belong to the same fiend who abducted the girls' father, Ratigan's peg-legged lackey."

I look around and pick up a hat lying on the ground.

"Basil, look what I found," I say and he walks over to me and sees what I have. He smiles widely at me and takes the hat.

"A-ha! Excellent work, Miss Angel! Ha ha ha!" He exclaims then suddenly hugs me before rushing back into the house.

I blush at the fact he hugged me so suddenly then shake my head and go into the house after Dawson.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, dear. The scoundrel's quite gone." Dawson says and pats Olivia's head.

"Ha-Ha! But not for long, Miss Flamhammer's!" Basil says as he takes off his robe and puts on a brown jacket.

"Flaversham!" Olivia and I correct him.

"Whatever. Now, we simply pursue our peg-legged friend until he leads us to the girls' father." Basil says.

"Then you'll get our daddy back?!" Olivia asks him as she rushes over and hugs him tightly.
I smile at this as Basil looks down at her and pulls himself free.

"Yes!" He says, "And quite soon, if I'm not mistaken."

I walk over and say, "Thank you very much, Mr. Basil. I very much appreciate this."
I lean in and kiss his cheek, then pick up Olivia and walk away. I look back and see his face is slightly red and shocked.

Basil finally regains his composure and says, "Now, um, hurry along, Dawson. We must be off.. to Toby's."

Basil retrieves a cap from a suit of armor and puts it on.

"Toby's?" Dawson asks him, confused.

"Oh, you must meet him. He's just the chap for this." Basil says as he puts on his cap.

"You-You want me to come?" Dawson asks.

"Ha! I should think a stout, heart-alarming mouse like you would leap at the chance for adventure." Basil says.

"Well, heh, heh. I am rather curious." Dawson says with a smile.

"Wait for us! We're coming too!" Olivia exclaims as she grabs her hat and scarf, which results into knocking over Basil's violin but Basil dives down and catches it.

"What?! Certainly not! This is no business for children or a young lady." He says as he gets up and sets the violin down in his chair.

"Are we going to take a cab?" Olivia asks as she stuffs several crumpets in her coat pockets.

Basil, who is obviously annoyed, grabs Olivia's hands and makes her look at him.

"Oh... my dear, I don't think you understand. It will be quite dangerous." He says with a grunt at the end as he sits on his violin.
He pulls out his now-ruined violin from underneath himself.

"Why you... look at..." He says bitterly and takes a deep breath.
"Young lady, you are most definitely not accompanying us. And that is final!"

I walk over to him and glare at him with my hands on my hips.

"This is our father we are talking about! We need to be there for him! I'll watch over her if that's what you're so worried about! So we ARE coming whether YOU like it or not!" I say angrily, pointing my finger at him.

He stares at me for a bit.

"Fine, whatever." He sighs, "But don't cause any trouble!"

A/N- (Never mess with a strong minded woman. Always treat woman with respect cause guys they are just as smart and strong as you are. There's some advice for the guys reading this story.
Well hope you enjoyed another chapter! See ya next time! Bye!!!)

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