Ch. 2: theres a lot of staring

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"Mum, where in the world did you find her? I swear she looked at me as if I was a ghost..."

    "Well, Fred, she did say something that would imply she thought you were, in fact, dead."

    "But I'm not?"

    "Of course we know that, git."

    Elaine opened her eyes and saw four pairs staring back at her. She screamed and hit the nearest one in the face.

    "Ow!" they exclaimed. Elaine sat up and brought the covers that she had on all the way up to her chin.

    "I've woken up twice now. So I'm either dead or this is actually real," Elaine said, whispering.

    "Last time I checked, I was real. You, George?" Fred said, smiling.

    "Yea, I'm pretty sure, Freddie. And you, Harry?" George replied, looking down to the floor. Elaine would've said sorry for hitting him, but she was shocked. And starstruck... but mainly shocked.

    "I mean, yea, I died. But I'm here now, I think." Harry bloody Potter stared down at Elaine and she nearly whimpered. "Are you okay?"


    "What's wrong, dear?" Molly asked, sitting at the end of the couch. Fred stared down at her to her left, and Harry and George to her right.

    "You're not real. I'm either dead or dreaming. You're... why, you're fictional characters!" Elaine stared at them as they all gave her confused faces. "Molly Weasley, Fred and George, though, Fred you... you're dead. Harry Potter, and you killed Voldemort after destroying his horcruxes with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, instead of going to school in your 7th year. And... and," Elaine turned and peered at the clock. "And Arther Weasley should be coming home soon!"

    Harry had pulled out a wand and stared at her fiercely. The twins and their mother just... stared. There was a lot of staring.

    "How do you know about horcruxes?" Harry asked her, but Elaine was too busy staring as his wand pointed at her nose to pay any attention. She barely registered how creepy her word vomit could've been.

    "You fixed that... in Dumbledore's office, with the elder wand. Can you show me your patronus? The stag? Like your father, because he was an..." Elaine stopped talking when she saw the stumped face of Harry Potter. He then tilted his head, much like a cat, and turned. A blue light came from his wand, taking the form of a stag that went around the house and disappeared after going through Fred's chest.


    "How do you know all of this, Elaine?" Harry asked her, determining she wasn't there to kill them.

    "The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling," Elaine replied, not quite being able to piece together the puzzle. "That's fiction, but you're standing right in front of me, but the books are just for children, and I've read them loads of times. I don't know how you can all be real..."

    "Books? You've read books about my life?" Harry asked, confused. The only books he knew were ones about him surviving the killing curse, but those were short mentions, at most a small paragraph. At least in what he's read.

    "Erm, yea. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, then book two is the Chamber of Secrets, then the Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, Half Blood Prince, and then the final book is book seven; The Deathly Hallows."

    "How do you-" Harry shook his head, blinking. "Nevermind, you've just stated you've read it all in fictional novels about my years at Hogwarts."

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