Heartbreak | djs.

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liked by tylercv and 127,474 othersdanielseavey sad boi hours

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liked by tylercv and 127,474 others
danielseavey sad boi hours

user1 ur so fine

user2 who do i need to hurt
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christian_seavey ur like so attractive
corbynbesson ^^
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keriseavey ❤️❤️❤️


Daniel woke up with dried tears on his face as new ones threatened to fall.  He knew he had to get up and face the world, he had an interview for his newest single.

His girlfriend, sorry, ex-girlfriend, had done it again. She had broken the young man's heart. He was foolish to go back to her for the third time, but the poor boy couldn't help it.

Somehow he managed to get up, dressed, and tread to the kitchen where his older brother was making breakfast.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" Christian called out cheerfully. He was making one of his signature breakfast dishes, humming to a pop tune. Normally Daniel would be jumping for joy with Christian's food, however, he was not in the mood today.

"Morning," Daniel mumbled, walking to the table and plopping next to Tyler.

The three boys indulged in their meal, Daniel more or so picking at it. The older boys made light conversation, until Tyler pointed out the unusual.

"Okay Daniel, what's wrong? You're quiet this morning, which is odd."

"Yeah," Christian chimed in. "What's up?"

Daniel looked down at his half-eaten plate before mumbling. "She cheated."

"She did what?" Tyler asked, putting his fork down, immediately going into big brother mode.

"Again?" Christian asked, his heart breaking for his little brother.

"I don't know what I did," Daniel said, tears threatening to fall. "I never do. But I'm done. I'm not going back to her. This is it."

"I'm proud of you, bro." Christian answered. "And, hey, we're always here for you 'ya know."

"Thanks guys." Daniel sighed. "It's gonna take a while, but I need to be independent, to learn not to depend on her anymore."

His older brothers smiled and breakfast continued. Daniel felt better already, ready to face the world.


Five days later

Shutting the door to his Tesla, his phone rang.

Her 🤍

Daniel sighed. He should ignore her, right? But they were broken up, why would she call him? Unless... something was wrong. He always worried over her. He just had to know if she was okay.

Daniel ignored the pang in his heart and pressed the accept button

"Dani? I'm so fucking sorry. You know I didn't mean it."

She was crying. Then she was going to tell him how she missed him, how she couldn't sleep without him next to her, how he made her life brighter.

They had been through this many times before, Daniel knew he shouldn't, but her voice triggered a place in his heart that he just couldn't...

"Hey, hey, calm down. I'm here."

Her sobs got quieter. "Can you come over?"

He sighed. This was wrong. But, he found himself saying, "I'm about to walk into an interview. I'll come over after."


Five hours later he stood at his ex's doorstep. This was wrong. A voice in the back of his head kept saying.

"Finally." The door opened and there she stood. Hair down, his shirt falling down her thighs, a smirk resting on her face. "I thought you forgot about me," she pouted.

"Never." Daniel gulped. This was wrong. But he felt himself walking into her house, door closing, his lips falling on hers.


Six A.M., the clock read when he opened the door to his house the following morning.

"Where were you last night?" Tyler asked from the living room with a stern, yet, knowing look on his face.

Daniel grabbed a glass out of one of the cabinets, filling it with water. "You know where."

Tyler sighed. "Dan, you can't keep doing this. She's messing with your heart."

"You think I don't know that? How much it hurts knowing she's with me one night, then some other guy the next?" Daniel yelled.

"I just don't like seeing you like this! I'm worried about you! She's not good for your mental health."

By then, Christian was at the doorway.

"You went to her again, didn't you?" Christian sighed, knowing his brother's bad habit.

"Anyone else wanna get involved with my love life?" Daniel yelled, throwing his hands up and walking out the room.

The two older brothers shared a knowing look. Daniel was always like this, defensive and aggravated, when he got back with her.

But Daniel never learned, he always said he was done, but then she would look at him with those eyes, and he'd fall for her once again.

It was a never-ending cycle, and Daniel didn't know how much more his heart could take.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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