Criminal ☑️

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"Before you will protest, we have multiple evidence and witness statements placing you there," cop said. "This may be your last lunch with your daughters. Don't make it the worst one," she wasn't very nice to him.

She was disgusted by him. She hated men like him - pretending to be loving father and hard-working employee, while in real life he wasn't honest about everything. She knew that she shouldn't touch him, but if it was her choice - she would beat him.

"But I don't even know what you're talking about. I didn't speak with her for over two years before she was cuffed by your co-workers. And I haven't spoken with her afterwards. We split up because of that. I am trying to be good example for my little girls. I would never touch it," he said as he put the pasta into three plates. "I hate her for having that stuff near my daughter."

"You actually think I will believe you that."

"Search this whole house if you don't believe me. You have my permission, I won't stand in your way in anything, but do not accuse me of being drug dealer or anything worse than that," he glared at her and mixed the last parts together before putting them on the pasta. "Now excuse me, I'm going to get my daughters and we're going to eat like normal family. If you want, you can go call your friends and search through this whole place," he walked by her to get his little angels. "Who's ready for lunch?" he asked as he stood by their doors.

"Me!" they both ran out and jumped on him, effectively making him fall on his butt.

"You little devils," he laughed and stood up with them right by him. "We have a visitor. It's not Todrick, so no worries." He led them to the kitchen. As they noticed the cop, both of them hid behind him. He picked them up and one by one sat them on their chairs. "She's good person, she protects innocent from dangerous people who hurt or can hurt others or themselves." He whispered to them, looking at the female on the other side of the table.

"I wemembe- he-, she tavked to some othe- po-ice office- befowe I came hewe," Abby looked at her dad with the eyes that said something that he didn't like - Abby didn't like this woman.

"I thought you would be looking for the drugs that you think I have. My daughter isn't exactly pleased by your presence," Mitch said with irritation.

"Okay then. I will look around and call for back-up and forensics to collect all the evidence," she snorted and left the room.

Mitch sighed and took his plate. He sat next to his daughters and smiled. "Wha- does she want?" Kirstie asked with puppy eyes.

"Nothing. She got false information and she needs to figure out on her own that it's not true," Mitch smiled at his little girl. "Just be nice to her. Show her how I raised you," he pinched their cheeks. "Now eat before it will get cold," he tilted his head a bit. He loved them too much to let some cops take him away from his girls. He knew he was innocent, but he wasn't dumb and he didn't expect luck to be on his side.

Since he and his sister were kids, their mother told them that they aren't dumb, so luck won't be there to soften the sharp curves. That they are the ones who create their own luck by what they do and how they treat others.

Mitch had feeling that this time won't be coming and he will have to prove himself. He wanted to know, who told cops such a thing and why they believed him. He wanted to ask that person why they decided to accuse him of such a thing.

Lunch was soon over and he took girls back to their rooms. "Wiw you be here when I wake up?" Abby asked silently.

"I will be here for very long time, little bit," Mitch kissed her head and let her sleep. Both girls fell asleep easily - they ate and everyone gets sleepy with full stomachs.

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