》F o l l o w | 🌻

216 30 421

' Second Activity.

Let's be kind, and enjoy.

'Let's Follow to Follow \^o^/

So mga Sistah, Follow to Follow tayo ng PERMANETLY ha, You can use other account basta't make sure na wala ng bawian ha, Nagkakaintindihan naman siguro tayo?hihi. Be friendly and respect each member especially our admins and me.


: Minemineyoursmine

: Fellspri_Wemmer

: Lyxious_ly13

: MsColdHeartedMe

: crayjji

: Binibaneee

: Vanchipss_1

: rhysanchez

: Itsmscutie21

: gril18

: invisibleprincesz

: archers_libero

: Voidereux

: bebiibijj

: Redmist_1997

: allileya

: Aeonjinxx

: ItsYourMissA

: sexynikyla

: Lady_Jewelry

: Euryphaessaaa

: Lasleeians

: -kiminology

: WhenSnowFallsSouth

: _BuBbLes03

: Lovlychims


Magcocomment kayo sa tabi ng username na finallow n'yo.

Happy Sunday, Sistahh, I love y'all♡

Sunday, May17,2020

_ jayengg.

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