Hating Layla

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Chapter 1

Sometimes I think about the past. I don't like to dwell on it but it happens. Occasionally, I have flashbacks of things and I don't even know if they're real. People tell me my imagination is wonderful but my teachers believe it effects my concentration in class.

My teachers don't like me. To be honest I don't like me either. Mostly everyone in my grade doesn't like me. Thankfully not all of them feel that way. My best friend, Layla has the very unfortunate duty of putting up with me. I don't know how she copes. But here I am going on about me.

This story isn't about me, in fact, it's about Layla. Now I know you're probably wondering: What's so interesting about Layla? Well, a month ago I would've asked the same question. And you, my friend, are about to find out. You know, I've always liked telling stories but I've never been able to stay on topic. Sometimes I get confused or even bored with it if it takes too long to explain but I'll do my best, I promise.


I walked into his room. He was lying in bed facing the ceiling. Multi-coloured wires were attached to his arm and under his nose. I watched the heart rate monitor. His heart was getting slower rapidly. I felt hot tears well up behind my eyes making my vision cloudy. It was heartbreaking to see him like this.

He reached out his hand with desperation. I grabbed it and held it tight.

"Emily." He sounded distant.

I knew he was trying to tell me something.

"What is it Daddy?" I whispered.

"I want you to know that...I want you to know that your mother and I love you no matter what happens." He murmured.

His eyes rolled back into his head so I could only see the white bit. His whole body started to shake and I could hear a low groan coming from behind his clenched teeth.

Nurses rushed to help him and ushered me out of the room. I peered through the window not knowing what to expect to see. Suddenly, he stopped and the heart rate monitor stopped too. One of the nurses put a blanket over him and wheeled him out of the room.

"Where are you taking my Dad?" I called but no one answered me.


"Earth to Emily! Come back Emily." Mrs Grunnell yelled.

Mrs Grunnell used to be a Science teacher but she got fired for having an anger management problem. She came back a year later only to realise she had been replaced. So now she has no choice but to teach Maths. She has very short black curly hair. Between you and me, I think it's a wig. Her eyes are small and beady kind of like a pig. She smells like one two. Oh and her bottom is massive. It sticks out.

When I didn't respond she slammed a book on my desk. That got my attention. I snapped out of it at once.

"Ahhhh!" I yelled.

The whole class laughed. Great, another way for them to make fun of me. James, who was sitting up the back made a face at me. I made a face back.

"Is there a problem Emily?"  Mrs Grunnell demanded.

I looked back at James, he poked his tongue out at me.

"No, I guess not." I sighed, fixing my hair up.

James threw a scrunched up bit of paper at the teacher while she was turned around. Of course she automatically assumed it was me.

"Emily," I could tell she was trying to stay calm, "Come see me at the end of this lesson."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2012 ⏰

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