The Letter

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To: River Levy                                                                                       June 21, T.E

Sent from: The Newpalma palace

Dear Ms. Levy,

This letter discloses very private information so we please ask you to refrain from sharing it with anyone else, even the people you deem trustworthy. As of June 20, Third Era, Princess Maci Blackburn of Newpalma has passed away due to unknown causes. Her being the last heir to the throne of Newpalma we must take precautions to this situation.

This is why we address you, Ms. Levy. The last time the kingdom had to hold an election the country almost tore each other apart. We were lucky to avoid war then and are looking for a way to avoid such conflict again, if possible. As I hope you are aware you have a high reputation in your mechanics and arts. With that knowledge we have quite a large favor to ask of you.

The only way to prevent Newpalma from falling into a war-like state again is to avoid the topic of the Princess's death as a whole and cover up her absence. We ask of you to come to the palace and work with some of our best mechanics to build a replica droid of Princess Maci Blackburn. If you accept our offer you will be highly respected in the palace, even praised. Of course we do offer a payment for your work and will provide everything you need for the task.

Please do consider our offer and we hope you see the danger our country could be in. Though, if you choose to deny our task or revealed this private information there will be repercussions. We are putting our trust in you Ms. Levy, don't make us regret it.

With respect,

-Gail Hugh, Head Courtier 

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