Chapter Twelve

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twelve. Some of the furniture ^^^

----- Louis' P.O.V -----

Hannah is back in America now with Ashton, they seriously make a cute couple, I can't wait for them to move over here - I can see my sister more and the lads can get to know her.

Me and Liam are searching for furniture for Hannah's new house. She didn't want us paying for everything, but I want to do something for my little sister - I'm older by 5 minutes - and make her happy. We're looking for a corner sofa now; we have found all the dining room furniture, the kitchen essentials, games/movie room furniture along with consoles, the latest movies etc, the girl's room furniture - including an awesome hanging bed -, the boy's room furniture and the master bedroom furniture. Along with all of that, we have the guest room furniture, some of the living room, the outside stuff - poolside things, the playground stuffs and barbecue area furniture - and finally we have all of the paint, wallpaper and any other stuff that Zayn wanted.

Around 3 hours later we're finished. We have just gotten to Hannah's place and Zayn is starting on the girl's room because he finished the nursery - he went for a grey and yellow modern theme - it looks amazing. "Li, shall we set up the playground bit" I ask and he nods "Ni come with us, Hazza sort the kitchen out" I shout and they all obey me.

----- Zayn’s P.O.V -----

I was so happy when Hannah asked me to decorate the rooms. I'm hoping that when they have kids, I can graffiti their names on their bedroom walls; I think that Hannah would like that. I have finished the girl's room now and it looks great with all of the furniture set up as well, I have gone for a pink/baby blue theme with some white here and there. There is a window seat which I made sure looked absolutely adorable.

Finished the master bedroom, I have gone for a blue, red and black theme and it looks really good. I have set the balcony up with some super comfy chairs because I know that Hannah will be reading out here loads. I did the boy's room before the nursery and I really like it.

Tomorrow we're all setting up the living room, offices, barbecue area and the rest of outside. Today has been a super tiring day; we have done so much I just hope that Ash and Hanni like it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip - 1 week before Hannah's back ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

----- Harry's P.O.V -----

Hannah and Ashton are coming back in a week. We have finished the house for them now and it looks awesome. Zayn decorated the offices, personalising them for Han and Ashton, then me and Ni put all of the furniture in, we finished the living room and games/movie room yesterday so they look really cool. Louis, Li and Niall did a great job with the play area thing, they have a climbing frame, slide, swings, see-saw - basically anything a kid would want in a playground.

"Boobear?" I ask Louis and he turns around "Has Hannah met El yet?" Louis face turns into a frown "Actually, El and I broke up a couple weeks back. She's moving to Australia and wanted me to go with her; I said I couldn't because of the band and Hannah moving over here to be with me. So we decided to break up instead of doing long-distance" he sighs, I know how much he loves/loved Eleanor, but I don't really think that her and Hannah would've gotten on because Hannah is the female version of Lou, Lou will always pick Hannah over anyone and even though El is a lovely girl she wouldn't like that so in my opinion it was for the best.

----- Louis' P.O.V -----

I really loved Eleanor, she was an amazing girlfriend but I don't really think that she would have liked Hannah. I will always pick my sister - especially twin sister - over anyone, whether or not I'm in a relationship, if Hannah's in trouble I will go to her straight away. Like I said, if Ash's breaks her heart - which I don't think that he will - he will have myself, Jake, 4/5 of 1D and Paul to deal with, Paul already loves Hannah like his own daughter and she is more normal than us even if she is my twin. We're alike in so many ways and yet different in many more, we get along great and no-one will ever realise how happy I am to have found her again. I know how much she cares for me, she's moving all the way to England just so that she can be closer to me, that's an amazing sibling relationship right there.

You never know, maybe Hannah could set me up - at least she would approve.


That was Chapter Twelve, hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter......

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