Tutor? More like Torture

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No.... Oh no.

President: do you understand Emiya? How grave the situation is?

Emiya: ..... I'm willing to understand.... But.... Why me?

President: other than the fact that you're well over your peers... That and you're well rounded, not too high scores but kept to the top one or tens, and you're also physically well rounded from what your PE is telling me.

Ugh... I hate myself sometimes.

Emiya: Fine, I'll take it... Anything else?

President: you can also take this as extra credit.

Emiya: Well... If it means that school life won't be as hard, then I'm in.

President: oh and, the address is right here.

He handed me a piece of paper.

President: be sure to keep safe Emiya-san.

I nodded. Luckily I don't have to do said job until later this day, so that means back to class me.

Time skip

Is it me or someone is influencing me to feel excited about this job? I'm torn between to emotions. One is not looking forward for said job... The other is excitement. Well whatever, if this goes well. It will help in the long run in my school life.

Though teaching culinary arts would be a dre come true.

Walking out of the campus, I found myself on the same path with one of the Quintuplets... X.

I did my best to not look suspicious... Which is basically just being me. Luckily she is with her friends other than the four so she's quite busy with talking to them. Which means I am ignored... Couldn't be worse.

I kept glancing on the paper the Principal gave me, just to be sure I'm actually not seen as a stalker and to make sure I'm not lost... But soon enough, X and her friends went to seperate ways and my chances of being noticed has hightened.

We both turned at a corner soon after their seperation, next is we crossed a bridge, next was passing by the local market... And soon enough, we arrived at a massive hotel, seemingly filled by rich assholes and bitches... Though some are an exceptions.

X: uhm... Emiya-san, why are you following me?

She stopped and suddenly asked me without her facing me. I sighed... I really don't want to share the fact that I'm doing something just to earn more "school points" as I like to call it... But just to be clear.

Emiya: I'm honestly surprised that we have the same path, honestly. Though I am here for work.

She finally looked at me with a slightly dangerous look on her face, her hand tensing as if ready to draw her Bokken that she's carrying on her back.

X: work? What work exactly?

I just sighed and fished the paper out of my bag, showing it to her. Causing her eyes to widen.

Before she could comprehend what she's reading. The other four have arrived,meaning that I'll be in deep shit if she doesn't say anything.

Altoria: hoh? Emiya-kun with X? Reading a letter no less?

Ecchan: Love letter?

Lily squealed.

Lily: did we just find out that Emiya-san has a crush on X!? That is so cute!

Artoria however, kept silent and just watched with slight interest.

X: Girls! Get over here!

She suddenly called to them, which all did so with a slight skip on Lily's step, a smug look on Altoria, and basically quite a pokerface for Artoria and Ecchan.

Once they got a nice look at the letter though.

X: He's!

Lily: our!

Ecchan: Tutor!


Artoria: hm... It's not unexpected considering how well he's doing in class.

Altoria: What!?

Emiya: As you can see, I am no stalker X-sa- wait what?

Lily: Stalker!?

Artoria: we're classmates... You just don't pay attention to your surroundings.

Oh... That's my mistake... I guess.

Emiya: oh... Well anyways, now that's done. I best believe we must have to move on.

Artoria nodded. And soon enough, we are inside their hotel room... Spacious.

Emiya: ok... From what I've personally seen from your.... Test results from our Principal.

The four flinched... Only slightly for Ecchan though.

Emiya: most of them are above average.... But! Each and every single one of you are worse on a subject! How! I may seem that I'm overreacting here but, there's five of you! Each excelling on most subjects! Why can't you cover each other's backs!

Altoria: hah!? What would I learn from studying art of all things!?

X: I hate math.

Lily: I... I'm just not good at it.

Ecchan and Artoria stayed quiet... Though Ecchan is visibly doing her best to not look at my direction. Artoria however, has that regal look on her face that says "I did my best"

Emiya: Art? There are a lot of things that can be learned from art. Meanings behind paintings, meanings behind why the artists made them! It basically also teaches us about History as well!

I then pointed at X.

Emiya: Math! Math is needed that's for sure. Sure it looks fu- hellishly complicated but it's a necessity!

I really can't curse around Lily.

Emiya: and Lily? I get it that you have a smaller physique than most girls... But at least memories certain exercises and said lessons.

She deflated. Next is Ecchan.

Emiya: Science? Really? Chemistry no less! I get it that it's confusing but at least memorize the basics. With that, at least you can get a hold of it.

She nodded.

Emiya: And you.

I pointed at Artoria who didn't seem to act out anything... But I did see her eyes twitch a bit.

Emiya: stop pretending... You and I both know what you are abysmal at.

She sighed.

Artoria: yes... I know I'm bad at history... Not my fault I get sleepy in class.

X: actually... It kinda is.

The three nodded.

Emiya: wow... And here I thought being Quintuplets makes you automatically get behind each other's back... But no... Well, at least you're doing your best to at least improve at it.

She released a breath of relief.

Emiya: but I didn't say you're scotch free.

She immediately went rigid.

Emiya: now then.

I cracked my knuckles.

Emiya: as your Tutor, personally asked by our Principal... He told me that if needed. I will do everything to improve each of your grades at the subjects you are weak at... But also improve your strong ones.

Well then... Time to enjoy the torture session... Well, it's not a link but seriously... I guess this is what her teacher felt like in their original timeline. That being her start on swordmanship.

Ok new chapter done, sure some slight AU but c'mon! I have to at least add some of my own uniqueness in the story... Also expect his HAREM PROTAGONIST EX to run HELLA HIGH GEAR on this one.... But yeah, that's all that I could say, hope you guys like this chapter! SOUL out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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