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Irene's POV

Facing files of paper, pending school works and a bunch of notes to be studied. That's what occupies my whole time nowadays. I heave a deep sigh. I can't move out of my office with such work loads.

The sweet vacation has ended and I'm back to my normal school life except having my love beside me every time I feel so tired. She's my ball of sunshine and my source of happiness.

I have fun spending my whole vacation with her. She made me feel loved all the time and she never runs out of ideas to impress me. Oh I miss her already.

"Morning Pres.!" A loud voice broke my day dreams.

"Hey Wendy you're in a good mood today". I replied back smiling to her.

" You're the one in mood. Look at yourself your glowing Pres." She mentioned that made my cheeks burned.

"I just had a good sleep Wannie" I replied shyly while I remembered how Lisa tucked me to sleep while cuddling each other when I decided to spent a night with her.

"Oh I didn't knew Lisa was a comfortable pillow to have a good sleep." She grinned with her eyes teasing me.

"Hey how did you knew that?" My face frowned a little hearing what she said.

"Oh you're so obvious Unnie. You're actions speaks itself and by the way Jisoo kinda slipped in the group chat mentioning a girl sneaking in her neighbors unit. She smiled widely wriggling her brows.

"Okay I admit I sleep with her last night" I said averting my gaze in her teasing glare.

"You sure you just slept with your girlfriend Unnie?" She asked mischievously.

"Yah we just cuddle. You and your dirty thoughts Wendy". I said defending myself

" Busted! I'm saying you have like a date night unnie. You're the one who had that dirty thoughts." She laughed so hard at me.

"Yah stop that! Its not funny. I said while glaring at her. She's tearing up laughing while making fun of me.

" Okay I get it unnie. I'll stop now. She replied while wiping up her tears.

In case you don't knew, the whole group was aware of our relationship. They caught us on the last day of our stay in Lisa's resort. Let me take you back that time.


The whole group decide to have a bonfire for this was the last night we have in the island. The boys set out the place while the girls prepared the food. They brought some bottles of beers and wines to make the night warmer since we are having the bonfire near the blue oceans of the beach.

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