Part 17

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There would be a lot of changes of POV between you and kageyama so take note😊~

"Oi you pig.wake up." the sound of an ol' man shook me awake.
"Ahhhh!!!!PERVERt!"I wrapped myself in a protective manner,that was before I knew it was-

"It's just me y/n" he chuckled softly.
"I KNEW THAT AND DON'T CALL ME PIG" I rolled my eyes.
"Food is ready."he replied back.
"I SMELL IT" me just me being weird,I drooled saying that.
"Weirdo" Kageyama walks away to set the table.(what a setter😂🤦🏻‍♀️I'm so lame ,ok,ignore this)

The table was set as we sat down.
We clap our hands together,"Itadakimasu (let's eat/thanks for the food)!"
I started stuffing myself with food.

"Y/n,eat slower or you'll choke."He sounded like a father for a moment.

"Don't jinx m-" I started choking,what a jinx. I hit my chest hard,while kageyama handed me a glass of water. "Ogaaawwd" I swallowed the water which hurts like hell and soon I was okay.
"Are you okay!"Kageyama sounded worried for once like- or was I dreaming? "I'm good" giving him a thumbs up and a small smile with a small frown.
"Okay,Ma-maybe no-t" I sounded like a drunkard,ohgolly.

edited :(idk what slurs in the comments are supposed means,I'm SORRY- IM DUMBBBB, plsss DONT come at me👉🏻👈🏻tks)

He chuckled and brought me another glass of water,"tha-nks ."I gulp the water down.

*Kageyama's pov*
I watched her gulping the water down as I swallowed my salived... WHAT AM I THINKING. My heart started beating faster and my face was flushed red.I turned around immediately and walked to the fridge to grab myself my favourite drink,milk and composed myself without getting notice.

I checked the time on the clock hung on the wall,"it's late. Are you going home or staying over?"

"I don't mind staying over but I have no spare clothes unless you lend me some."she replied, shrugging.

"It's late,just stay over,not like anyone's stopping you,so why not."I started bringing the empty plates into the dishwasher and cleaned up.

"I will have to go home early tomorrow then but dangg you make a good housewife" she said to me,"The food was delicious~"

*normal pov*
He turned to me,replying,"thanks for the compliment but I am a guy."
I started giggling but ended up cleaning for him.

After cleaning the table,dishes and some other stuff, he handed me a set of his clothes.

"You should know where my bathroom is" he walked off.

"Why would I know" I mumbled. I decided to find the bathroom which took a long time to find.

I got in and undressed myself.
Turning the shower on,I thought to myself,"Why am I acting like nothing happened-" I sighed,"ill have to talk to him about that later."

Water dripping off me,I wrapped myself in a towel Kageyama handed me. I slipped on the clothes he passed me. It was quite big but comfortable,it was a large t-shirt which made it look like it's off-shoulder,but like literally one of the sleeves were off-shoulder all the way.(not literally,halfway if u get what I mean lol.) He also passed me a free-sized sweatpants which fit me.

I walked out of the bathroom with the towel hung around my neck while I used it to dry my hair.
And yes I smelt like him now-

I walked around to find Kageyama's bedroom.
"Finally found it.Jeez this place is quite big." I opened the door AND AGAIN I WALKED IN,FINDING HIM CHANGING HIS CLOTHES- at this point I don't give a shit anymore since I always walk in on him and so I decided to just flop on his bed.

*kageyama's pov*
Seeing y/n on my bed flopped while I was changing gave me a really confused look. I turned to see her lying flat on my bed like she was asleep when I realise her skin was showing since my shirt was too big for her to wear.
I turned around and tried not to make myself look like tomato-

"Hey Kageyama..."she turned to see me slipping on my t-shirt.
"Hmm?"I replied back.
"Can I ask you a question?"
I turned around,walking towards her and also flopped myself onto my bed which was really tight since it was single bed but whatever,I was too tired to care. My eyes was about to close when-

"If I changed school and go would you feel?"I asked facing him,our face were really close.

His eyes opened wide and sat up immediately,"YOU ARE GOING ABROAD!?"

I shook my head and giggle still on my lazy spot,"I said if."

He sighed and lay on his bed with both his arms behind his head,eyes closed.

No reply.

"Fine. Then another question."I said flipping myself,"remember that day where you told me to forget? Why?"

No reply.

I sighed,"if you're not going to give me a reply,I'm leavin-"
I realised he was sound asleep.
I sighed,turning off the lamp on the table beside him and decided to just lie there since I was just lazy and realized that we didn't set an extra bed somewhere else.
It felt like what a couple would do though.I shook my thoughts off and went to sleep.

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