ー Part 1.

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"Hoku-chan!" He turned his head and saw his friends waving at him. He waved his hand as well while smiling at them.

"We are late!" They started to run as fast as they can. Who will want to get scolded by the mighty Naoto-sensei, anyways?

"Hora! Go to your rooms now!" They ran faster when they already arrived at the school entrance since the disciplinary teacher is holding a stick to chase them once the bell started to ring.

"Ohayou gozaimasu, Naoto-sensei!" They greeted him with sheepish smiles while running towards their shoe lockers to quickly changed their outside shoes to indoor shoes.

"Yatta! Sensei is not here yet." The group went to their respective desks as the whole class is noisy since the first subject teacher is not yet arriving.

Hokuto sat down on his seat and placed his bag at the side of his desk. He took his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his sweat off since he is not always used to running that fast. He even almost tumbled down while they were running earlier. He may be a member of basketball club but he is mostly into shooting.

"Hoku-chan, Likiya-san challenged us to a basketball match again. Will you be free later?" Takahide, one of his friends and also a classmate asked him.

"Un. At the usual place?" He asked and Takahide nodded.

"The losing team will need to treat the winning team to a fastfood restaurant. We need to win later." Makoto, who is also his friend suddenly said.

Takahide, Makoto, Shogo and Kazuma are his friends but also his classmates while Likiya is from the other section with Kenta, Rui, Zin and Riku as his circle of friends. Their remaining friends who are Yamasho, Shohei, Kaisei, Takuma and Ryu are included in the third section. They usually hang around the abandoned basketball court near the park. They are already sophomores and one more year, they will be able to graduate from high school.

"Go back to your seats now." At last, their homeroom teacher, Tetsuya-sensei already arrived but a tall figure followed him and stood in front of the class.

The class quickly went back to their proper seats and waited for their homeroom teacher's announcement. Tetsuya-sensei wrote the new student's name on the board.

Fujiwara Itsuki. That is the new student's name. Hokuto looked around and realized that the remaining vacant desk is besides his. Maybe he can drag the new student to his circle of friends later.

"Introduce yourself to them, Fujiwara-kun." Tetsuya-sensei smiled at the new student and he nodded his head slowly.

"Hajimemashite. I'm Fujiwara Itsuki. You can just call me Itsuki. I'm from Fukuoka. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu." He bowed his head but didn't even smile at them. Hokuto can even see that he is a shy one.

"Fujiwara-kun, you can have your seat besides Yoshino-kun." Tetsuya-sensei pointed the vacant desk besides Hokuto and Itsuki nodded before going to his new desk.

"I'm Hokuto. You can just call me Hoku-chan." He smiled at Itsuki when he already took his seat but he just bowed his head at him.

"Let's have the attendance first." Tetsuya-sensei said and he started to do the roll call.


"Itsuki-kun! Do you know how to play basketball?" Aside from Hokuto, Shogo is one of the firsts to approach Itsuki. With his usual bright smile, he is everyone's friend but the closest ones to him is his circle of friends with Hokuto.

"I know but I'm not that good." Itsuki timidly answered while taking his wallet from his bag since it is break time.

"Hoku-chan's team will have a basketball match later. Do you want to watch with us?" Shogo asked once again but Itsuki shook his head and stood up to go to the cafeteria.

"Hoku-chan, try to talk to him." Takahide said and they pushed him out of the room.

"Chotto!" He furrowed his brows at his friends' antics but then, he followed Itsuki to the cafeteria.

"Itsuki-kun!" He called the taller and ran towards him. Itsuki stopped from walking and turned around just to stare at him.

"I'm sorry for earlier. My friends are just like that but they are kind and fun to be with. You can join us later. We will introduce you to our friends from other sections." He said but it took him seconds before he can finally make Itsuki nod his head.

"That's good, then! Let's go to the cafeteria now." He smiled widely and started walking again. They passed by the second section's room and he heard Riku calling him.

"Hoku-chan!" Riku who have a muscular body but with soft voice called him with a smile.

"Riku-san, we will win the match later." He chuckled and then, Riku noticed the tall guy besides him.

"New classmate?" Riku asked and he nodded his head.

"His name is Itsuki. I'll introduce him later. We will see you later after class." He waved his hand at Riku but then, when he is about to run since the break time is almost done, Itsuki stopped from walking.

"Doushitano?" He asked while holding his arm. He found him shy but it is getting weird already.

"You don't remember me?" Itsuki suddenly asked while staring at him seriously.

"What do you mean by that?" He furrowed his brows at Itsuki's question. Itsuki slowly shook his head and let out a deep sigh, turning around to go back to the room already.

"Itsuki-kun, have we met before? I don't remember." He relaxed his brows and followed him since he is puzzled with what Itsuki asked.

"It is not important. It was a long time ago already, so it is acceptable that you forgot about it." Itsuki said as they arrived back to the room.

"I'm sorry if I forgot about it but we can make new memories that we can't forget. I'm your friend, desho?" He smiled at him and Itsuki just nodded his head.

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