Chapter 2: (BEIRON)

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Two years ago

My phone rings and I just pick it up without checking the caller ID.

" Hey man, you up for a beer?" says Luke on the other end. I chuckle, shaking my head slowly.

You could really count people in my life: my mother, Luke and the Carters. Luke and I grew up together and honestly, he's more of a brother than a friend. I guess you're wondering why I didn't talk about my my fucker of a sperm depositor somewhere along the lines. Well a long story and one I don't  like to revisit.

" Yo Lucas, you're gonna end up with a beer belly if you continue drinking like that and you'll lose all the girls” I say laughing. Luke is really obsessed with girls. I’ve never heard anyone call girls a passion but him.

"Stop shitting me and come get one and by the way, speaking of girls, Leah said you looked hot the other day so I hope you know what I mean" he says, matching my humour.

"Yeah you can tell her that I don't give a fuck." I tell him and he laughs. I wasn't like Luke anymore, into no string attached flings. Not anymore. I feel like I have outgrown meaningless flings and  I wanted to try a serious relationship for once, which was hard if you ask me as all girls seemed to be just so...just not my type.

" Kay man" I say and hang up and I start driving to the bar we both went to. As i entered i looked around and spot Luke sitting with some girl I hadn't seen before(not that i was surprised)

" Hey man." I say slapping him on the back and sitting opposite him.

"My guy," he says, taking a sip of his beer. The blonde next to him clears her throat dramatically.

"oh hey" I say to the girl.

" Heyyy, I'm Leah" she said, batting her lashes and she flipped back her hair. I looked at Luke who chuckled. What in the actual hell?

Anyways, so Leah huh? Well two can play that game right?

“Beiron, nice to meet you.” I said with a smile and she started blushing.

" Right, I'll get you a beer" says Luke standing up and leaving us. Wait, is he serious? Please tell me he did not just leave me with this Barbie. So he really wanted to play some kind of lame ass matchmaking?

" So Beiron, how are you ?" she asks me, leaning slightly close to me.

" All fine. You?” I said to her back. Hey, I don't like the girl but I am no asshole either.

"Great. You know last time I really liked the way you won the arm wrestling. It was sooo hot" she says in this weird tone that made me feel pity for the people she lives with. I'd die if I even lived next door.

"yeah?"I ask and she nods quickly" Well thank you". Where the hell is Luke?

I couldn't be more thankful when Luke comes back with my beer. I really needed it. I thank him and take a sip.

" No sweats bro" Luke says sitting down. I sip on my beer as Luke starts some conversation with the blonde and she continues laughing at her own lame jokes. Finally I let out a chuckle and shook my head. My phone rings and I check to find it's Mr. Carter.

"Hi Beiron"he says cheerfully. Where do they buy such good moods? I have no idea.

"Hello Mr. Carter" greeted him back.

"So this evening, we are going somewhere and we would like you to come with us." stated Mr.Carter.

"sure. When should I come?” It was my job after all.

"Around four"

"ok I'll see you then" i said and he hung up.

Me and Luke worked for the Carters. Not that they were many; it was just Mr. Carter and his wife. They had no children ever since Mrs. Carter's miscarriage some years ago. How I met Mr. Carter is another room I don't like entering. Anyways our job is basically ensuring their full security or some shit. Rich people have threats everywhere.

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