I will wait for you, Forever

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I, Kitkittens do not own the characters or the art in this work. They all belong to their respective owners and artists. I also don't own the Fate/Series.


In Uruk, Many years ago

There once was a foolish king who was unmatched, until the day the gods made him a challenger. This challenger had the same strength and similar abilities to this king. The challenger was made out of clay and was made to chain the king to the gods forever. 

That is the way the story is told, but it is not the whole tale.

When the gods where creating the challenger, they made it a body out of clay, and granted them the ability to call upon the chains of heaven. They made them the chains of heaven, Enkidu. The gods aproving of this creation, cast him down into the mortal realm. Enkidu once down into the mortal realm to seek out this king and hold him to the heavens. 

Enkidu, naked, met a woman named Shamhat, who took them to bed and taught them how to be human. Shamhat once convinced let them continue on to the foolish king, with only a warning. 

"Beware of the Gates of Babylon, Enkidu. They are a fearsome ability, an ability that this foolish king will not hesitate to use." Warned Shamhat.

"Thank you, for I shall not hesitate when the time comes for me to use my own ability". Said Enkidu.

Enkidu now clothed in loose white clothes, made his way to the grand city of Uruk. They made their way up to the throne room and demanded a challenge. That foolish king accepted, and they fought for three days and three nights. (Yes, I am aware that some of this made be historically inaccurate, for those who are so very specific. I added this to give MY story some theme.)

When the battle was over the king was in delight. He had finally found his equal, someone to finally understand what it meant to be a king. What it meant to be unmatched, too powerful. He had finally found someone to understand what it meant to be lonely. This lonely king rejoiced at the prospect of being happy with someone. 

So when the battle was over he called over to them, and asked, "What is your name, challenger."

And they replied, "My name is Enkidu."

The no longer lonely king cried out, "My name is Gilgamesh, and would be one of Mine?" 

Enkidu replied, "One of what? What do you mean by Mine? "

Gilgamesh answered, " My only friend, Mine to cherish and hold." Because this king had had no friends before now,  because who would be his friend. 

But all good things had to come to an end. Gilgamesh had rejected the goddess Ishtar, and in revenge she had unleashed the Bull of Heaven onto Uruk. Gilgamesh and Enkidu fought the bull and were victorious at a terrible cost. Enkidu was cursed by the gods and was dying slowly.

Gilgamesh was terrified for his friend, and Enkidu was sad because no one else would ever truly understand Gilgamesh. Gil would never open his heart to another person for the rest of his life.

The fateful day appeared and Enkidu crumbled away. For the next 200 years the king never opened his heart ever again.


In Chaldea

Gilgamesh is well aware that the other spirits don't like him and think he is an egotistical bastard. That he could never have any friends and only used people to boost himself up.

That he could use an attitude check and never ever be with anyone. That he only pursued Saber to make her one of his treasures and not a companion. He thought she might be the only one to truly understand what he was, all of his core aspects and personality traits.  He thought she might have been able to rule with him and be his companion.

But he didn't need any of them, all he needed was for those mongrels to shut up and for the master mongrel to summon Enkidu, his one true friend. All he needed was Enkidu.

So he would wait forever for Enkidu to return to be by his side.

His Greatest Treasure


Reviews are welcome and so is constructive criticism  But no flames because I don't care and why waste the extra time typing something to make the author(me) feel bad.

For those of you who know the anime KHR. I was thinking of making an fanfic about it. It would be about the first generation in sort of an AU. 

Lampo is a retired Racer, who now owns a bakery. He is siblings to his older brother Verde, who was turned into a baby a few years back, and his younger brother Lambo. He is an omega and was forced out of the raceing business when someone tried to forcibly mate him. One day, finds a lost little boy named Tsuna who's brother and his mates are famous for having a 6 mate bond and for being a huge business boss(and rumors of being connected to the biggest family in the mafia). Over time he meets Giotto and his guardians, who are all intrigued about the beautiful omega who owns the bakery, but seems to have secrets of his own. Will Giotto and his mates find out the truth about the omega or will Lampo stay alone. Oh, and did I mention the superpower flames?

What did you all think, would you read that if I wrote it?

Thoughts are appreciated.

Kitkittens, out.

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