To Our Fallen on Memorial Day

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We set aside one day each year

To honor those who fell

And their late comrades, lives well lived

We think of them as well

A poignant day for those who stood

Beside them in the breach

And solemnly, who buried them

At sea, on land, and beach.

They sought not subjugation, no,

Nor glory nor conquest

But to lay low the oppressors

And raise up the oppressed.

For us, they left their parents

Their children and their wives

Liberty was their calling, and

For that, they gave their lives

There're those who do not understand

A soldier's sacrifice

Still, they enjoy their freedom, though

They never paid the price

Yet, many more have known the pain

Their loved ones' lives, too brief

They hold the mortgage of our Rights

With pride throughout their grief

Fidelity to freedom's cause

That duty's why they fought

Our duty's to remember them

And regard what they bought

Names known and unknown, carved in stone

On battlefields, dispersed

But in the Heaven's cherished book

Their names are listed first

So sing a laud of gratitude

The honor they deserve

Devotion, their full measure giv'n

Our freedom to preserve

On this, our day of remembrance

This truth we must sustain

As long as we keep liberty

They'll not have died in vain

C. Truax, USCG

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