~Road trip~

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"Fiiiinally!" Jian yi joyfully held onto Zhan xi and chuckled as all 4 of them walked out of school together.
It was finally the holidays which meant no more work or exams for 6 whole weeks.
"So little mo, what are your plans Eh?" He tian questioned, placing his arm around guan shan's shoulders as he kept his face close to his.
"Oii, get away.. I have no plans" he exclaimed as he tried pushing he tian away.
"Ooo how about a road trip!" Jian yi suggested as he jumped on Zhan's back. "Just the four of us!"
"Jian yi.. that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea" Zhan xi replied, keeping his eyes in front of him.
"Perfect, we'll all go on a road trip. I know the perfect place." He tian agreed.
"Wha? I never agreed to this!" Guan Shan frowned.
"Boys get your things ready by next week. Should be fine for everyone, right?"
He tian asked with a giant grin plastered onto his face.
he knew mo would love it. He just had to give he tian a chance.
"I'm not going..." Mo shoved his hands into his pockets and separated from the boys. Walking home on his own
"Aww, would've been nice if we all went" Jian yi moped..
He tian just snickered. "Don't worry, he'll come, I know what to do"

*a week and a half later*

"Guan Shan!"
"Yeah ma?" Guan Shan let out a yawn as he scratched his bare chest. Since he only just woke up
He walked out of his room, noticing that the time read 11:37pm.
"what's u.."
guan Shan paused as he saw he tian, Zhan Zhen Xi and Jian yi.. all with there suit cases.
"What the fu-"
"Language Guan Shan" his mother immediately responded.
"Your friends are so lovely Dear. They've asked me if you would like to go on a trip with them yesterday so I packed your stuff. how nice"
His mother clasped her hands together as mo noticed the large grin, once again plastered onto his ravenette's face..
"No but's hun, you're going"
Guan Shan just exhaled..
"...alright fine"
"Yaaay" Jian yi smiled and so did zhan, and of course he tian.
Guan Shan got dressed quickly and kissed his mother on the cheek.
"I'll see you in a couple weeks"
"Bye hunny"
As they left and got into he tians car, he tian sat in the drivers seat and guan Shan sat beside him, in the passenger seat as Zhan xi and Jian yi sat in the back.
He tian cleared his throat as he ran his fingers through his Raven coloured hair. He glanced at mo and grinned since the Male sat beside him for their long trip.

It had been thirty minutes already through the drive and Jian yi already needed to stop for a toilet break.
"Seriously? We only just left?" Mo frowned as he rolled his eyes.
They stopped at a garage and Zhan went into the store to buy some snacks with Jian yi who stopped to use the toilet.
Mo stepped out of the vehicle to stretch his legs.
"Excited momo?" He tian asked as he stood beside guan Shan and took out a cigarette"
"No..." mo answered back straightforwardly.
He actually liked the feeling of leaving town. He had no idea where he tian was taking the boys. apparently it's a 'surprise' however mo was.. kinda looking forward to it.
"Idiot.. Should you be smoking that shit here?" Mo questioned as they were in a petrol station.
He tian just chuckled as he put the unlit cigar in his mouth.
"Smart ass, of course not.. they shouldn't be long anyway" he tian lifted Mo's chin so he was looking up at the ravenette.
The Male took a step closer and whispered into mo's ear,
"Just enjoy yourself"
Guan Shan blushed and instantly pushed he tian away.
"Let's just.. hurry up and get there already.. bastard"
The boys got back soon after with a bag full of snacks.
"Great, let's get going"

*4 hours later*

It had already gotten a little dark and the two 'love birds' in the back were fast asleep. Leaving he tian and mo Guan shan somewhat alone.
He tian turned the radio down a little and opened his window, throwing his burnt out cigar.
"Guan Shan.." he tian started, catching mo off guard just a bit.
"You've been quiet this whole ride, what's on your mind. Hm?"
"Its.. nothing really"
He tian placed his firm hand on Mo's thigh as he kept his eyes on the almost empty road, giving the other a sly grin.
Guan Shan blushed a bit more.. he didn't want to admit it but.. he's had feelings that he never could describe or explain.. specifically towards he tian.
He's been quiet about it since the day he gave the Male those black ear studs.
Guan Shan began to tense up as the mood changed so quickly.
The more he thought about it the more he got flustered about the whole situation
The sun was almost completely down giving the sky an orangey pink effect, the music was quietly playing in the background as the cold wind was blowing in both their faces and now he tian was rubbing his thumb on Mo's thigh.
"Your tensing up, guan Shan" he tian said in his usual, Deep, seducing monotone
"F-fuck off..." he frowned, talking quietly as he didn't want to wake the others up.
Guan Shan sat so he was leaning up against the door,
"What the hell is with you?"
Guan Shan questioned, trying to hide his fluster.
"Heh, it will probably take a few more hours till we get there" he tian said trying to change the topic, "try and get some sleep"
"But.. What about you?" He asked not meaning to sound so concerned.
"Hm? You're worried for me momo?" He tian teased as he let go of the others leg.
"Wha? Of course not.."
guan Shan sighed silently, feeling the other move is hand away.
He tian could easily tell if someone was lying, so Mo wouldn't even bother lying, saying he wasn't tired when in-fact he kinda was.
"Alright fine.. just don't crash the car if you end up sleeping as you're driving" he smiled, crossing his arms and closing his eyes.
"Sleep tight, little mo"
Hii, so I was originally going to make this a one shot but I loved the idea of making a road trip/beach au so I made it into its own fanfic.
Thank youuu StupidGayTrash for the brilliant idea. 💗💛🤍

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