Tim Drake & 3AM Dates

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Tim Drake woke up to a knocking on his window. First, he dismissed it as strong winds but the the knocks had a pattern, making it feel like they were purposeful. His mind, still heavy with sleep, thought about how maybe Damian was finally making good on his death threats. Why, he'd just threatened Tim with a very gruesome death involving his katanas and Tim's rectum on yesterday's patrol. He couldn't understand for the life of him why Bruce would send Damian to be his patrol partner because that kid surely would be the death of him.

Tim blinked his eyes open, squinting into the dark room and turning to look over at the window. The sight that greeted him almost made him believe he was dreaming because Kon was floating outside his locked window with what looked to be a flower bouquet in his hand. Kon looked a little nervous, the moonlight painting his face with shadows, highlighting his already sharp jaw and cheekbones. His dark hair was messy, as if he'd run his hand through it many times. Tim wanted to have dreams like this often but he was stuck dreaming about Alfred suddenly turning into a giant tentacle monster.

He sighed. This was most certainly a dream. His best friend wouldn't visit him in the middle of the night because he could get any girl to do that with and Tim wasn't that important anyway. The sigh had reached Kon's ears, though and he perked up, floating close to the window to wave at Tim, who blinked at him. The sight was still so unreal and he pinched his arm to make sure he wasn't dreaming. The sharp sting of pain was real enough and had Tim throwing off his blanket, running to open the window. Kon smiled at him, flying over to put his hands on the window sill.

"What the hell?" Tim might have been too harsh with his words because Kon jerked back, the hand holding the flowers suddenly hidden behind his back. He looked around anxiously, mouth opening and closing like he'd forgotten how to speak. Tim wished he'd taken care to think before speaking, he didn't quite like the nervous look on Kon-El's face.

"I- I wanted to tak--" Kon swallowed, free hand rubbing his neck as he looked pointedly behind Tim, "I wanted to give you these." Kon shoved the flowers towards him with unnecessary force, and Tim yelped, stumbling back as they smacked him in the face.

"Oh- oh my God! Tim, I'm so sorry!" Kon invited himself to his room and grabbed him by the waist before he could fall flat on his butt, looking over his face frantically with worry. The sudden closeness and the feeling of Kon's heat wrapping around him made him dizzy with want. The whole situation was awkward and Tim couldn't help letting out a laugh in his sleep-deprived state. Kon blushed so much that it was visible even in the dim moonlight. He smiled at Tim sheepishly, "Forgive me?"

They stayed like that for a moment, smiling at each other as Kon held onto his waist. Tim couldn't believe his luck. He knew people didn't just give their best friends flowers in the middle of the night for nothing and maybe, just maybe that meant he had a chance with Kon. The thought had him flushing with nerves and Kon being Kon, noticed that, grinning as he pulled him close and rested his forehead against his. He really wanted to kiss that grin.

"Kon..." Tim tried to speak but Kon was in his personal bubble and so warm. He leaned in even closer to the inviting warmth, their lips almost touching and put his hands on the other's chest. All it would take is for one of them to close the gap. His gaze flickered between Kon's lips and eyes. Tim took a deep breath, closed his eyes and leaned---

The door to his room slammed open, revealing his meddling family and he almost sobbed. Dick stood with a pan in his hands, Damian held his katanas in his hands and Jason was wielding a baseball bat. Bruce didn't even bother to bring some sort of 'weapon', holding just his coffee mug in his hands and he rolled his eyes when he saw Tim and Kon wrapped around each other. All was frozen for a moment as everyone awkwardly stared at each other, like someone had hit pause.

Damian was the first to break the moment. He made a disgusted noise in his throat and glared with distaste at the two of them as they let go of each other. Tim wasn't even surprised. Of course, this had to happen when he was about to get kissed within an inch of his life as the look in Kon's eyes had promised. He groaned.

Kon took that as his cue to step in and he pulled Tim to him, not taking any time to go flying out over Wayne Manor and in a blink, Gotham City. The December cold bit at his skin, his thin pajamas doing nothing to protect him from the icy winds. He held onto Kon tighter, trying to take some of his warmth for himself. Kon frowned down at him and soon, they were landing in a shadowy corner of a roof.

"Was that really necessary?" Tim asked him, amusement clear in his tone. Kon blushed but held Tim close to him, nodding. "Now that you have me all to yourself..." He leaned into Kon, his suggestive tone not going unnoticed. The other's eyes almost took on a ravenous glint before he kissed Tim like a man starved and Tim almost burst with delight at the feeling of Kon, Kon, Kon--

--Meanwhile, at Wayne Manor---

"Be right back," Jason informed the others with a serious tone, resting his bat against his shoulder but the shine in his eyes let the others know the next thing to come out of his mouth was hardly going to be serious, "I'm gonna go pour bleach into my eyes."

Dick rolled his eyes, lightly hitting him with the pan, "Really, Jason? Playing the traumatized big brother, are you?"

"Just fucking go to sleep, you shits," Bruce grumbled in a exasperated but affectionate way, ruffling Jason's hair who groaned before walking towards the stairway with Damian following behind him.

this is a rewritten version because I wasn't satisfied with the previous one after reading it again all this time later. Thank you for reading!

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