How the Queen Met the King

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Alfred sat in his throne that was located in the great hall. He was told by the messengers of the clockworks that they had made their decision on who was to be his wife and the future Queen of Spades. Alfred huffed out a sigh and put his elbow on the arm of the chair, resting his chin on his hand. Needless to say he had a grown a little bored of waiting. Eagerness had took over him but also nervousness. He had to wonder what his queen would be like, would she be snobby? Clingy? Annoying? There were endless thoughts and wonders. Just then out of the corner of his eye he saw the door open. Alfred turned his gaze over to the door and a guard dressed in cloth the colors of the kingdom with armor covering his chest, arms, and legs, with elegant designs and a spade that were molded into the metal when it was made, walked through the tall wooden doors, and stood almost at a solute. "My liege, your queen has arrived." He said in a flat tone. Although Alfred couldn't hear how it was said, the look on the guards face told him how to hear it. "Great! Bring her in!" He exclaimed his voice somewhat quieter than most, mispronouncing most of the words. The guard bowed his head in respect then left to fetch the queen.

Several minutes later, the doors were re-opened and in stepped a male. A male. How ironic. The next Queen was a male. Dirty blonde hair, green eyes the color of spring leaves, and skin tone that was the color of silk. He was also dressed in a navy blue vest, buttoned over a white dress shirt that was tucked into khaki pants, with a long royal blue coat worn over the two layers. Around his neck an indigo colored cape was attached from either side of his shoulder by a golden pin in the shape of a spade.

Alfred stood from his throne and walked toward the other male.

"Hello, my King." The blond male greeted, when the two were close enough, with a bow to the highest of monarchy. "My name is Arthur Kirkland, the new Queen of Spades. It is a pleasure to met you."

Alfred stared into the emerald eyes of the other, processing what was just said to him. "The pleasure is all mine. And there is no need to be so formal. Just call me Alfred. Arthur, was it?" He took the time to talk slower than normal making sure he pronounced the words correctly. Especially Arthur's name. The King took the new Queen's hand and brought it to his lips to place a kiss on top of it. Arthur blushed at the gesture and looked away from his King.

Many years before Arthur had been chosen to be Queen of Spades, he was no higher than a son of a simple farming family, outside of the kingdom. So Arthur had to wonder what had happened for him to be chosen one of the royal members of the Spades Kingdom.

~A few days ago~

"I've heard that the King is completely deaf." A whisper conversation was over heard by Arthur in the market.

"Yeah. I heard about that from a few people. Isn't it pathetic, though?" A click of a tongue. "Having a King with a disability that is so important is really pathetic for this kingdom." The two people sighed in disappointment and agreement. Then the other added, "This kingdom was the most powerful of the four suit kingdoms when the last king ruled. But now with 'King' Alfred ruling, everything in this kingdom has gone downhill. He even signed a treaty with our enemy; the Clubs. What does this boy even think he's doing?!" Then the two left the area still whispering things that Arthur couldn't make out.

Arthur shook his head in unbelief. He couldn't believe that they would say such things about the King. 'How could they that about the King. I've heard that he's a nice guy and that he has done a lot for the Kingdom of Spades and improved it. Now we are no longer at war with the Clubs and everyone seems happy here. But the worse thing is that they criticize him for his disability. Unbelievable! If I ever get to meet King Alfred then I will do whatever I can to help him.'

Later on in the day, back at Arthur's small home and farm, a little outside of the kingdom's wall, the farm boy was tending to the few horses that his family owned.

"Arthur! Can you come here, lad?" The blond heard a shout from the house. He turned around to find one of his older brothers, Allistor, calling for him.

"Alright! Just one minute!" He called back. The brother nodded and headed back inside the house. Putting away the grooming supplies back in the bucket and moved it to the side. He brushed off his hand and pants then headed back inside to see what Allistor wanted to see him about.

Once he had gotten back into the house he had found out standing in the entrance of their home was Allistor and a man dressed in royal clothing and colors.

"Uh Arthur..." His brother started, "This is Yao Wang, the Jack of the Spades Kingdom." Allistor introduced.

"Hello Arthur. It's very nice to meet you." The Jack smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Wang." Arthur said politely. "What brings you to out home this day?" Arthur tried not to sound rude. Though he did wonder what the Jack was doing there at a small farm house not even in the Spade borders.

"We have been informed by the messengers of the clockworks that the new Queen has been chosen for our Kingdom."

'Why would he tell me this though? Isn't this confidential information?' Arthur thought to himself.

"And so happens it is you, who they have chosen, Arthur Kirkland."

The blond's eyes widened in disbelief at the Jack's proposal. He looked back at his brother who had the exact same expression on his face.

"I-I um..." Arthur stuttered still trying to process the information.

"Excuse me for asking but, may we do an full body inspection?"

"Woah!" Allistor interrupted, "I'm sorry Mr. Jack but my brother is not doing an full body in-"

"Allistor..." Arthur now interrupted his older brother. Yes. Allistor could be a little over protective when it came to family, especially Arthur. "I'm not a child anymore; you don't have to be so protective of me. It's alright I'll do it."

"Very well. Thank you for your cooperation." Yao bowed in thanks. "Now, we will do this one piece of clothing at a time. If you will please remove your shirt."

The farm boy nodded and began to slip his white work shirt over his head. The air around him was cold as it touched his bare skin. Although agreeing to this Arthur felt uneasy. He was never one to show others his body; even with clothing on.

"Alright now." Yao stated as he walked closer to Arthur to see better. The Jack bent down and examined every front part of Arthur. 'What exactly is he looking for?' Arthur thought to himself. He was thinking of asking but he was too shy of the answer. "Turn around, please." Arthur did as he was told. The he heard a small gasp from Yao.

"What is it?" He heard Allistor ask, irritation dripping like venom in his speech. But Yao didn't reply to the brother.

Arthur turned his head as best as he could to see what Yao was looking at but not luck.

Yao ran his fingers over Arthur's lower back. That made the boy flinch at his touch. Arthur didn't understand what Yao was looking or touching at. But in Yao's perspective, the Jack glanced at a spade symbol encircled with floral patterns that seemed like a design in a royal's cloth.

"Mr. Kirkland, you will have to come back to the Spades castle with me. It seems that we have found our Queen."

~End flash back~

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