Let's Get To know Each Other

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The King took the new Queen's hand and brought it to his lips to place a kiss on top of it. Arthur blushed at the gesture and looked away from his King.

Arthur nodded in confirmation, "Yes that is correct."

"Good. It's quite nice to finally meet you. Now might we adjourn to drawing room so we may get to know each other more.” This time Alfred spoke semi-faster, maybe a dial or two, mispronouncing most of the words. Though it wasn’t like Alfred really noticed his mistake. Arthur nodded and swiftly stepped to the side and out of the King’s way, one hand gesturing to the door as a ‘lead the way’ motion.

Arthur had only spent a few hours in the castle, which in his mind was impossible to learn the castle’s architectural design in that short amount of time. Despite being announced that he was the new Queen over the last previous days, after all the Spades Kingdom was exceedingly large and even getting to the border walls of the kingdom took over two days at best.

The two monarchs made their way to the drawing room, Alfred leading the way and Arthur following only a few footstep behind.

On top of a small tower attached to the castle was the drawing room. It was fairly large for a place that wasn’t so often used. The interior design was that of a garden, almost. Walls made of gray brick and green vines growing from the floor to the ceiling, twisting, curling, and waving in between the cracks of the bricks. As well as various species of flowers of different shades of blue and purple; the colors of the kingdom, sprouting from the sides of the vines. Hanging from the middle of the ceiling was a crystal zircon chandelier, decorated with strings of topaz gems. The furniture was also truly amazing. Two royal blue velvet lounge chairs sat parallel to each other, though having the backboards facing towards each other so that if two people were to lay down in them they were able to see each other’s face. An separating the two pieces of furniture was a small rectangular glass table. What was lighting the room to make everything visible? Well, around the room were windows that square at the bottom and pointed on the top. Dividing four sections across were thin wooden beams only about an inch thick. There was one other beam also going down from the top to the bottom, doubling the amount of glass sections. A perfect way to catch natural light of the day sun, warming the room.

As soon as Arthur set foot into the room his mind had already felt relaxed. Nervous thoughts had escaped his mind and the worries of anxiety had vanished. Amazing how it was gone with only just one step inside.

“The room is laced with magic if you were wondering. Most of the time it helps calm the nerves.” Alfred suddenly said, startling Arthur as he admired the interior design. The King gestured for Arthur to take a seat in the opposite chair he was about to sit in. “Please have a seat.”

“Thank you very much.”

♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛

The two had talked for a good couple hours, asking each other questions about their likes, dislike, opinions on certain things, and most personal background information about themselves. Both of them were enjoying themselves. With that both started to be less shy and awkward and began to open up to who they were truly.

“So Arthur where do you originate from?” Alfred asked with a smile, putting down the cup of chamomile tea, that the Jack Yao brought them earlier, back down on the table. The king was intrigued to know more about his soon-to-be husband.

“U-Um, well it’s not all that complicated, really.” Arthur stared down at the thin honey colored liquid, gently rubbing the glazed cup with one of his index finger. “I come from a family of small farmers, we live just outside of the walls of the country.” Arthur continued still looking down into his cup.

From Alfred’s perspective it was hard to read the other’s lips when the other was looking down. According to what Alfred could make out it he only caught a few words that Arthur had said, such as ‘family’ and ‘farmers’ but that was to the extent of his knowledge. Though it wasn’t hard to put together. After all, Alfred, along with developing lip reading abilities, had also learned to put together broken sentences with only just a few words if he did not catch all of what was said at first.

“That seems quite nice. A simple life style without that much to worry for.” Alfred took another small sip of his tea. At the same time Arthur looked back up. “What about your family?”

“My family? I have three brothers, all of them being older than I am. From eldest to youngest it goes Allistor, Seamus, Dylan, and then there is me.”

“Ah, so you are the youngest of the four?” Alfred tilted his head slightly. And as for Arthur he just nodded his head. “And what about your parents?” Once the question was out Arthur flinched and stiffened his posture slightly. A sign of uncomfort. Alfred knew he had stuck a cord he was not supposed to strike by mistake. “I’m sorry for asking. I probably shouldn’t have. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to―” He started to apologize but the Arthur interrupted very politely.

“No, no. It’s alright. If I weren’t to tell you now then you would have asked later anyway. Better to get it out now I suppose. When I was three or four my parents had told my brothers and I that they needed to leave on a trade with their friend in the Hearts country. They said that they would only be gone a week but… But then a week passed, and another week. They never came back. Not even a letter was sent. After a month we just assumed that they weren’t going to return at all. And they never did.” Crystal tears were shed from Arthur’s eyes. The blond hung his head as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

Even though Alfred couldn’t hear the cries Arthur made, he felt sympathy for the other. Alfred stood from his seat and made his way over to sit by the crying male. Comforting others wasn’t Alfred’s best set of skills but he was going to try his best. Alfred sat next to the other and draped his arm over the other’s shoulder, allowing himself to pull the other closer to his body.

Immediately feeling the other’s touch and grasp made him feel more comfort than any other time in his life. Though he kept shedding tears, Arthur buried his head in the king’s shoulder.

A few minutes had passed but Arthur still had not calmed down. His eyes had gone red from crying so much and his voice was now raspy and dry. Alfred didn’t know what to do. He had only one idea.

Picking up Arthur’s head from his shoulder Alfred gently brought Arthur’s face to his and with that, sealed both their lips with a gently kiss.

A/N: Hello! Ha, this is Em! For those who are reading this I congratulate you for finding this story and I hope that you are enjoying this LiberTea or UsUk fanfiction. I do hope you continue to read this farther and father, or to the point of the end of the story. Well that's all for now thanks for reading! HASTA LA PASTA!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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