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Harry's POV

Violet had fallen asleep resting on my lap, looking gorgeous as ever. The fact that she was now living with me hadn't quite settled, but I knew I was exceptionally happy. I combed my fingers through her hair, as soft snores escaped those beautiful pink lips. 

For an unknown reason, I was overwhelmed. It might've been from a dream I had, but I was worked up over nothing, yearning for the girl sleeping on my lap. I wasn't going to disturb her, of course.  I sat there, playing with her hair, yearning for her plump lips against mine.

 The more I thought about it, the more I was tempted to wake my angel. What would she think if she woke up to me, hard, just playing with her hair. Any logical person would be confused and pick fun at their partner. I definitely would.

So, I lifted her off of me as soft as possible and made my way to the bathroom like I was back in high school or something. I didn't want to be all worked up when she woke up. That was my excuse. 

In the bathroom I did what I wanted to, with the door closed tightly. 

Violet's POV

Waking up cold was the most uncomfortable thing ever. It left me with goose bumps and confused. Where'd Harry go? I got up, to go find him, and walked upstairs to our bedroom, where I figured he'd be. 

The bedroom was empty, the only thing that made me walk in further than the doorway was the light coming from underneath the bathroom door.  Walking up to it and opening it took no more than a minute. 

The opened door revealed my boyfriend, with his head lolled to the side, pleasuring himself. My mouth fell open at the sight of his. He seemed so euphoric, like he needed to touch himself. The sight was making my head fuzzy with confusion and something else.

I'd be lying if I said the sight of him doing this sinful act didn't completely arouse me. But, should I say something to show him I'm here. I don't want to seem like a creep. Clearing my throat was all that came to mind, which it worked. 

Harry's head snapped to me, his languid movements stopping instantly.


"Having fun without me?" I asked, eyebrow raised. He smiled slightly, shrugging. Before he could move I close the space between us, grabbing his cheeks and kissing him softly.  He kissed me back feverishly, working as fast as he could.

Only thirty seconds passed before he was asking for permission, with his tongue, to come into my mouth, which I obliged. I wanted this so badly now, it felt like something had overcome me. I wanted him so badly. 

"Harry," I hummed.

"Yeah?" He said pressed to my lips. 


He then picked me up from my thighs, carrying me into our bedroom, and plopping me down as soft as possible on the duvet. I reattached our lips after pulling him into me by his shirt. Pawing at the bottom of his shirt whilst taking ownership of his lips. 


"Use your words, what do you want?" He said into my neck. 

"I want you to fuck me."

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