Three parties, two worlds

426 11 5

(In Utah)

Percy was in the process of trying to pry a box off of Flamdramon's claws.
"Stop moving around! You're making this harder than it needs to be!" Percy tugged harder.
"I'm sorry! But its really stuck!" She tried pulling herself loose but just couldn't do it.
Percy then huffed and let it be for now.
"We're really going to need to get some edge guards for your claws. This could become a problem."
"I'm sorry..." Her head drooped.
Percy let go of the box and put his hands behind his head.
"It's fine. The same thing would happen to anyone with those daggers on your hands."
"Yeah...oooooh! I have an idea!" She threw her hands into the air and the box fell down and hit her head. "Ouchi..."
Percy tried to hold back a snicker.
"What's your idea?"
"Were is your Fusionloader?"
"In my pocket. But what would that do?"
"Well get it out and hold it in front of me!"

He did as she told and held it out.
"Great!" Flamdramon touched the loader and disappeared in a flash of green light. The box dropped down to the ground and Percy fallowed and stumbled backwards.
"Down here!" The loader blinked.
"Flamdramon? Are you in there?" He carefully picked it back up and shifted it around in his hand.
"Yep! Digimon can hitch a ride in a Fusionloader. And it feels pretty comfy in here!
Little dark though..."
She flashed back out and stretched. "Take that box!" She kicked it away and smiled.
"Whoa. Is there anything that this Fusionloader can't do?"
"I don't know. I just knew about that." She tapped the screen.
"Hold on. How did you know about this fusion thing to begin with? And come to think of it how did you know about the human world?
I certainly never knew that Digimon were real...hold on! There's a digital world!? I just realized that!" He went wide eyed.
"Of course! Where do you think I came from you goof?"
"That's fair. But how did you know about my world? And how did you even get here?"
Flamdramon scratched her chin and looked off into space.
"I'm not really sure. Everyone just kind of knows about the human world back home. I guess it's one of those things where I just never thought about it. And I knew about the Fusionloader's because the village elder Babamon told me all about all the different stuff that humans use. But I never thought I would get lucky enough to find a General!"
She nuzzled his neck.
"You keep saying general. I'm hardly a military tactician and especially a leader." He nuzzled back.

They just stayed like that for a minute.
The site was probably strange but it felt right.
"...what's your village like? You know, in the Digital world."
"It's beautiful! It's surrounded by trees and grassy fields everywhere! Everyone there is really nice to. Especially Babamon. She liked to tell me about her super cool stories.
Only bummer is that it's so hidden that we never see any new faces. Somedays it would get really boring." She made one of his hands scratch the side of her head.
"So you lived in the boondocks?" Percy started scratching and she seemed to almost purr.
"Yeah. That's why when I heard about the human world and the Digidestined I knew I had to get going. And I found mine~" She gave his cheek a lick.
He gave her nose a counter lick. "Your way to nice to me~ I'm just a plan dude."
"Nu-a! You're my general! And the best one ever~"
Percy chuckled. "And how many generals have you met?"
"Hmmm. I'm not sure if that's very genuine then." He teased.
"It is!" She puffed up her cheeks and pouted.

Percy laughed at his new friend and imagined what the Digital world would even look like?
...he felt like he should know for some reason.
... purple maybe..? ...a bit of black?
Does that make any sense?

Flamdramon pulled away and folded her arms.
Percy snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at her.
Her cheeks were still puffed up and she loudly humpfed.
"Come on. I was just teasing."
"Come ooooon~" He leaned against her back.
Percy ran a finger up the back of her neck and started to play with her ears.
"I'm sorry. Maybe we could take a little break from working and play a little~"
"...what kind of playing?"
"I'm sure you can figure it out~" Percy threaded a finger underneath her thong and pulled it up a little, not to make it hurt but to send a message.
"...Oooooo! I forgot about that! Yes then!"
She immediately snapped around and jumped on him. Both of them tumbled down and landed on all the boxes.

"Off! ......huh. Never done it on boxes before. This is going to be a new experience~"
They smashed lips and quickly tore eachothers clothes off.


The blond man and his Tentomon walked back in to the Internet café and sat down.
"Man. That drive was horrible..." He sighed.
"What do you mean? It was fun! It's not every day we get to smell fresh forest air." Tentomon crawled into his master's lap.
"But that was three hours to and back! It's not worth that much traffic..."
"It is if it means you get pride away from that stupid computer. All you ever do is type on it."
Tentomon then started to fix his masters messy hair.
"Because it's my job. It's what keeps you in greasy food."
"And it's what keeps you in your migraines."
The two laughed a little.
"How do you know me so well?"
"The same way you know me so well."

They hugged.
"I've got to tell the others about that weird Garurumon. It was really strange, don't you think?"
"Yeah. She was weird."
"I'm dying to analyze the data we got. Maybe a strange Computer virus is going around?"
"I hope I don't get it."
"You won't. My vaccines are way too strong."
"Good then!"

The two walked back to his desk and sat down together. It was probably going to be another long and boring day.


A large Black helicopter flew over a massive jungle below and it started to hover just above the trees.
Inside it Reapmon and a human pilot sat next to each other.
"We're here. Just let me find a spot to land."
"No need. I'll just let myself out." Reapmon stood up and opened the side door. "Tell the fat man that I'll be done by evening."
He then jumped out of the copter and fell through the vines and the trees. He pulled out a large red knife from his coat and stabbed it into one of the trees. He then slowly slid down and landed with a light crunch.
"Hunting time~"

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