zack x neko reader

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hey guys sorry this part isn't that long i just really had know idea what to write about and made it up on the spot. this was also a request so i hope that you like it. sorry i haven't uploaded in a bit i have just been idk i dont really have excuse i just didn't really know what to write about. and i didn't want my story's to be boring so yeah. but anyway hope you like this x reader. 

i have also been thinking of changing the books name to just zack x readers cuz thats pretty much all there going to be.  

thats it you were tired of people doing stuff like this to you just because you looked different. this time you had been taken off the street on your way to the park near your house. like what the hell. you get that you look different but still? anyway now you tied up in a char in what looks to be a hospital. struggling to get out you were moving your hands till the rope finely broke. and you could untie you legs. you stood up and looked around it look to be night out side. the moon was fully out and was glowing blue. you walked out in to a hall witch comforted  your suspicion that this was a hospital. 

as you walked down the hall there you came across an elevator. that made you question what year you were in. "is that thing safe to go on" you say stepping on to the elevator. as you got into the elevator an anointment played "the girl on the bottom floor in now a sacrifice" this made you very confused. but it was too late to get off now 

the elevator soon came to a stop and you got off and looked around. it looked as if you were out side when you were clearly not, witch was making you even more confused. now walking around the streets of what ever you were in you keep hearing strange sounds. like a laugh in the distance or the scraping of metal agents a wall. witch was creeping you out. "hello, is anyone there? can you help me" you said out loud looking behind you. you turned a corner. and when you looked back the way your body was facing. you turned wight with fear.

the was a man who looked to be about 19 drenched in blood and caring a syith. he looked like he was about to kill you holding his weapon over his head but brort it back to his side with question when he swer what you looked like. "what the hell are you?" he said you still frozen with fear didn't say a word. "are you like a cat or a human. h-hay shut up its not m-my flout i look like this" the guy didnt say a word and walked over to you. you stiffened with fear but relaxed again when all he did was touch you ears. "ummm cut it out. holey crap there real!" the man said before grasping your tail. "i-i said stop" you said moving out the way but he didnt let go of you tail. "oww" you said a jumped back towards him in pain but ended up landing on his chest. witch to your surprise he picked you up and put you over his shoulder and walked off. 

you were taken to a small building one that looked just like the rest and placed down on a sofa with the man looking over you. with a look of questions on his face. "ok lets start with what the hell are you" the man said you looked up at him still to scared to say anything and just looked at him blankly "look im not going to heart you. yet so just tell me what the hell you are." you shifted a little on the sofa and then opened your mouth to talk. "im a neko" you said not wanting to talk any more "ok? and what is that. what i am asshole" you said now getting mad but soon regretted it due to the fact that the man got pisst. "ok ok im sorry i didnt mean to" you say really not wanting to die "whats your name?" you say hope to change the subject before he heart you. "zack" said the man still in a bad mood "whats yours. umm Y-Y/N" great now your idea of changing the subject had led to him knowing your name. "so whats the deal with the tail and ears?" you really hated when people asked you this question like how would you know you were born with them. so you simply replayed with what you thought was a fear question "i dont know whats the deal with your bandages" clear this had take the man back for a moment. and yet again it looked like he was going to kill you. but soon his face expedition changed so a softer one "ok fine dont tell me" you looked at him and now really wanted to know why he was wearing bandages so you answered him hoping for him to talk. " look i dont know i was just born like this." he looked a you and said nothing you didn't get your question answered witch was most annoying 

sorry to leave this part on i guess a cliffhanger but i just really wanted to get another part out there will be a part 2 so dont worry and it will come soon so yeah i hope this was too bad i mean i had no idea what a neko was till now so i hope that this didn't suck to bad. anyway sorry for not uploading ive been really busy with school work. any way if you want to send me a request but dont want to leave it in the comments you can text me on Instagram at stranger_cosplays747 

word count: 1005 

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