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Tsutomu leaves the little cottage he lives in while he says,


"OKAY HONEY!" His mom yells back.

As Tsutomu goes down the trail that leads to town he thinks,
'It's getting dark, I should go stay at an Inn tonight....'

Before he walks into the inn a mysterious man pushes past him. Tsutomo glances at him, 'Well that was rude he didn't even say sorry,' he thought. After that, Tsutomo paid for his room.

He woke up, got ready, and went to sell his crops 'As usual a trading day,' he sighs.

At least, that's what he thought.

"Hey, did you hear about those village people that vanished last night?" A girl said to her friend group.

"No what about it?" Another girl replied back.

"I heard from my mom that it was a village near here, and that it was the work of the Black Rain organization!" The other girls gasped

"I should probably stop eavesdropping...." Tsutomu chuckled to himself.

'The Black Rain huh? I wonder what they've done to that poor village...'

Since there were so many other villages near this town Tsutomu had no idea his whole life was about to change.


As Tsutomu walked deeper to the forest, and closer to his home he heard more and more whispers about the disappearing village.

He was starting to get worried.

His walk turned into a run as he got closer and closer to his village.

He saw it....

His whole village was gone.

Tsutomu was confused at first, did he go to the wrong area? He was sure that his village lied here. Then it hit him.

His friends, family, where he grew up, it was all gone. Everything was gone.

He fell down to his knees as he started to cry.

'No, no, this cant be happening' he started to cry harder. 'This has to be some cruel joke, right? This isn't real, RIGHT?'

Suddenly, Tsutomu heard footsteps behind him. He turned around quickly, and in desperation he yelled "MOM, DAD, ANYONE? PLEASE ITS ME, TSUTOMU!"

A feminine voice answered back, "Do you live here?"

This wasn't a voice Tsutomu knew. He became scared and stuttered back, "W-who are y-you?"

Two feminine figures walked out of the shadows.

The taller of the two answers "I am Adachi Akira ." She turned to the shorter, red haired girl. "And this is Nakamura Mei"

After this, Tsutomu calmed down a bit and said "My name Saito Tsutomu, and to answer your question from before, yes, I do live here...." he continued, "So....why are you guys here?"

"We came here to investigate the disappearing village." The smaller girl, now known as Mei replied.

"Mei! This investigation is supposed to be private!" Akira said in a cold, irritated tone.

"Sorry" she whispered to herself. "But he has a right to know... he does live here...." Mei shyly stated.

"You have a point....." Akira said. Then she pointed to Tsutomu. "But you have to promise to not tell anyone else about this, okay?"

"Who would I tell? My village dissapeared...." Tsutomu dryly said back.

"Oh right." Akira said nervously

"Are you guys Nobels?" Tsutomu said, changing the subject

Akira regained her composure as she said, "Yes, we were sent by the Royal Capital for investigating practice."

Mei hummed in agreement

"Not to be rude but..." Tsutomu continued "Aren't you guys a little to young to be sent on a investigation alone?"

"Oh I dont know, aren't you a little to young to be walking alone at night?" Akira quickly retorted back.

"Fair point..." Tsutomu reluctantly said back.

"Anyway... Do you mind if we ask you some questions, Tsutomu?" Mei said, trying to get out of this awkward topic.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine with that...." Tsutomu said, though it seemed like his mind was somewhere else.

"Are you okay?" Mei worryingly questions.

"Yeah its fine, it's just that, you know, my village dissapeared and all...." Tsutomu sadly replies

'Oh right....' Both Akira and Mei think.

"Alright, on to the questions...." Mei says as she pulls out flashcards from her pocket, agian trying to get out of the awkward situation.

"Do you know anything of what happened here?" Akira boldly questions.

"I dont know anything except that it may have been the work of the Black Rain organization." Tsutomu replies.

"The Black Rain organization? I have never heard of that before." Akira says. She turns to look at Mei.

Mei trys to remember but she cant think of anything even close to something like 'The Black Rain organization' "I've never heard of it either" she finally states.

"I guess it's just a commoner thing then....." Tsutomu then continues "Okay, I'll tell you guys all about it!"


This is me and my friends first story that we are making together! We are really unprepared though...... So your feedback would really help grow our story. I dont really know how to continue because I'm just making it up as I go. I hope you enjoyed!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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