The Real problem ²

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Ari Pov}
Its been 5 weeks after all the drama.I finally decided to go to the hospital and check myself.When I got in my car I suddenly felt Water running down my legs I shouted for Tae and everyone ran out and saw and hopped in the car and drive me.Izzy called dave and I took his phone and threw it out the window "I DON'T WANT THAT DEADBEAT BITCH WITHIN MY AIR!"Everyone looked at me shock and Tae hurried tae held my hadn as I squeezed his hand from the pain Tae screamed and tried to get his hand out of mine I let go and finally Milo lifted and me and carried me and put me on the bed and I knock out.

Izzy called dave and I took his phone and threw it out the window "I DON'T WANT THAT DEADBEAT BITCH WITHIN MY AIR!"Everyone looked at me shock and Tae hurried tae held my hadn as I squeezed his hand from the pain Tae screamed and tried to get his ...

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I woke up and saw no one I looked around and saw lots of blood I saw my baby laying down in peace.I went back to the room and saw everyone gone well these bitches.I went back to the bed and fell asleep.

I woke up and saw My child is gone I started to panic the doc came in.

Doc:Miss Dont needs to worry the rest went to get food for you and a woman came here holding Mr Yosogn and said she is the stepmother of your son her name is Alex-


the doctor ran out the room and took him from that bitch I look to see everyone walking to her but they let this bitch hold my child.I couldn't believe my eyes I laughed and walked back into the bed and saw Tokyo now coming in I let her in and we started talking and I told her about the guys letting Alexis hold my child and shit.She couldn't believe it she went out there and cursed everyone.The doctor came back and ask if the guys can come in cause they ask to I told the doctor no to let them leave,cause I don't want to see them.

I heard a huge commotion outside I look to see money was putting out Alexis

Tae:Ari let me expl-

Me:Hey doc

the doc looked at me I nodded and looked at tokyo.

Me:Tok come sign the birth certificate with me girl.
after all the signing the doctors told me I had an healthy birth and this and that and all I cared about is getting back home they said I needed a check up first.

6 days later
Tokyo came and picked up me and my son and drove us home.We walked in the house everyone jumped out surprise I ignore the mad went straight upstairs putting Yosohn to sleep and going and Instagram to see what I miss.Looks like dave is trying to get me back and money is trying to make me his girl, and I had the baby and my friends let an opp hold my baby I laughed at the last one cause shaderoom was right what type of friends do that and my sister was there I couldn't believe it.

My sister cane in the room and friedn to hug me I turned and pulled up my blanket and pushed her away from me.She looked at me weird.

Princess:What's wrong with you


Princess:Girl stop ignoring me.

Me:Princes stop touch me bro.Im not playing with you fr fr!

I shouted she stepped back cause she knew I was serious

Me:Yall let that bitch hold my child kissing him and shit and yall there watching is yall fucking serious.Ill beat the shit out of all of you that girl is and opp and threatened to kill my baby and yall got this bitvh out here loving my child and shit nawl bro get the fuck out.!

Princes stood there guilty cause she knew what I said was true,she walked downstairs and told everybody I heard her told everyone and then Tokyo walked in the room and talked to me about how I talked to princess

me:I don't care bro.If You had a child you would understand hoe I felt bro like she threatened to kill him and ahit and these people I called my bestfriends and shot watching this bitch holding my sin I dotn rick with that no....I don't even think there a forgiveness for that shit they pulled bro.

Tokyo :Sis I get you but let me go and get the baby bag out the car.

I played there and texted dave.Yes me and dave working on is for Yoshon.O told dave what Alexis do and they broke up and shit but Tae got some explaining to do I'm willing to heard what happen first cause I love everyone but that shit had me pissed off I would fight the doctors and the hospitalized people as well I dont play when it comes to my son.

Tokyo Pov}

I honestly felt bad for Ari to wake up from deep sleep to wake up to see that botch holding her son fr Yo.zif I was there earlier that would never happen I walk downstairs and saw everyone looking sad.Tae looked at me and then everyone cane to me.

Tae:Tokyo were sorry we didnt meant to let Alexis hold yosohn fr.

Jayda:Bro we Came from buying food and flowers and shit and came back and saw Alexis when we put down our food to start ari start going off on us

everyone was telling me this and that I told them shut the fuck up.

Me:If Y'all give birth to a baby and woke up to see a Opp holding your child what would yall do.The Main thing is that yall stood there and let her hold him and never told the doctor anything.Jayda how would you feel huh?This girl THREATENED to kill that baby and yall watching her hold this baby kissing him and rocking him and shit...Yall messed up fr I dint even think ari Can forgive yall especially her bestfriends.

I walked away and realized that dave and Alexis was together and that he brought here there wow that nigga want a fucking ass whopping.I look at this car pulling up and saw dave hopped out.

Me:Dave you fucked up.Like Ari Is not talking to one human in the house cause of you.You let that whore touch Ari baby and ari didn't even get to touch her child first bro.what you did was fucked up and when ari get herself together me and her gone jump that bitch Alexis and You so watch your fucking back.

I walked away and went upstairs and saw ari sleeping covered her with the blanket and went downstairs to a different living room from the others cause I cant sit there with them without cursing them.

Tae Pov}
I'm sad as they didnt even let us explain. We all went to huy food and came back and saw Alexis holding the baby and then as we put down our food ari started going off on us.Then After she left we told moneybaggyo and he thre Alexis outside.I was very sad because that's my god child and ari is mad with me.Ari has never been mad at me.I have to make this right So email dn the guys been planning a little something with dave and shit Dave is trying to be is his son's life and we want what's best for baby stinky man so we planned this whome thing for ari and hopefully she forgives us.

So we went to the mall and whateva and came back and his the stuff in our rooms so I wrote and not es and sneaked into ari room and set it on the Table came back down and prepared food.

Lord I hope Ari Forgives us.!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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