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We're all drifting slowly. We always are. It's no different here than it was there. At first it was disorienting; stars both above and below me. Now I've gotten used to it.

You're probably thinking that by 'stars both above and below me' I mean the reflection of the sky against the sea as our ship's hull tears apart the image, creating ripples in the waves. No, we were floating through space on a starship--the Enterprise.

It was named after a ship that once sailed the seas of Earth; an aircraft carrier in World War II.

We met new species every day on the Enterprise. Surprisingly, aliens were easier to speak to than humans. At least, they were to me: a girl with social anxiety.

Logic was my best friend when it came to my anxiety. I looked up to the Vulcan officer aboard, Sub-Commander T'Pol. Everyone on the crew knew that when I was growing up. However, there was at least one thing I hid better than that; or at least, I'd like to think I did.

I sipped my hot chocolate in my seat in the mess hall, watching out of the corner of my eye as Charles Tucker III crossed the room.

Most people called him Trip, but I didn't allow myself that liberty. I called him Charles, or Commander Tucker. I wished I didn't feel the way I did, so I made up for it by refusing to become any closer to him.

He had made his feelings for me very clear. I was a "good kid". Blech. Every time he said that, my heart dropped into my stomach.

It wasn't that I thought he was no good for me. It was quite the opposite. He was traditional, he respected my father, he was charming, and his smile...

Nevermind. Let's not get into my feelings for him. That would be a downer for you to listen to and me to tell.

"Is this seat taken?" I was torn from my thoughts.

I jumped, hot cocoa sloshing in my cup. If I hadn't been almost to the bottom of the cup, it would have been all over my lap.

I looked up to see Malcolm Reed, the ship's tactical officer, standing in front of me.

"Go ahead," I gestured for him to take the seat before me.

"Deep in thought tonight, Emily?" he sat his food down on the table in front of him.

"I'm monologuing," I joked and he laughed.

"What are you thinking about anyway? Our genius Captain's daughter, there's got to be something interesting going on in that mind of yours," he took a bite of his food as he looked into my eyes, trying to figure me out.

"Ah, but if I tell you, where's the fun in that? I lose the pleasure of watching the gears work in your brain as you try to figure it out," I sat back in my seat.

He looked across the table at me for a second. "You were thinking of... our last mission?"


"What book you'll read next?"


"The last book you did read?"

"Nuh uh."

He sighed. "You know I'm no good at this, you've got to give me a hint."

"I don't 'got to' do anything," I smiled. "Maybe next time."

The com beeped. "Ms. Archer is needed in the Captain's quarters."

I stood. "Pleasant as always, Mr. Reed."

"To you, too, Ms. Archer."

I headed for my father's room. Before I could ring the bell, it opened on its own.

"Emily. I need your help with something," he stepped aside in order for me to enter his room.

I moved past him. "What exactly is it that you need?"

"I need you to lead an excursion to a nearby planet. Commander Tucker has a list of things he will need in order to repair the damages after our recent encounter with the Klingons," he paced the room.

"Who will be accompanying me?" I folded my arms behind my back. When something needed to be done, he wasn't my father. He was 'Captain Archer', and I was one of his crew members. He would accept no less respect from me than he would from his crew.

And I loved it.

"Commander Tucker."

I waited. "And...?"

"You and Commander Tucker will visit a trading post there. You will take Shuttlepod One. Any questions?" he turned to look at me.

I blanched. It would be just the two of us aboard a shuttlepod. "Shouldn't Ensign Sato or Lieutenant Reed come? We may need a translator, and protection can't be a bad idea."

"We need them here, on the bridge."

I shook my head."But won't you just be sitting idle in orbit of this planet?"

He didn't speak.

Realization swept over me. "You're leaving us there...?"

"Only for a short while. We'll rendezvous in eleven days," I could see him shift back into my father as he stepped towards me, and his expression softened.

"I promise we'll be back for you," he pulled me into a hug. "You're all I've got left."

I wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in his chest.

Just then, his doorbell rang, indicating that someone wished to enter.

I stepped back away from him. The crew knew nothing of my secret longing for affection, and I didn't plan on them finding out anytime soon. I had a reputation to uphold, and if that was as an emotionless ice princess, so be it.

"Come in," my father called, and the door slid open.

Trip stepped into the room and his eyes landed on me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Captain. If you're busy--"

"No, it's quite alright. Emily was just leaving," my father laid a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, I was." I headed for the door, then stopped next to Trip. "I look forward to working with you, Charles."

"Yeah, you too," he nodded at me. I stepped out into the corridor and the door closed behind me.

I stood there for a moment, trying to listen to what was happening on the other side of the door.

I could hear speaking muffled by the walls. I leaned closer.

"...not even a member of Starfleet! She doesn't have the proper training!" Trip's voice was hushed.

My father's voice was even quieter. I leaned closer still. "We need her for this. She's the most persuasive person on the ship other than me, and I'm needed elsewhere."

"Sir, let us bring Hoshi along at least. What if we need a translator?"

"I have already discussed this with my daughter. Hoshi is needed here. Your Universal Translator will work just fine."

"Sir, I don't want--"

I leaned away from the door. I had heard enough.

Trip didn't want me there.

Unrequited (Trip x OC)Where stories live. Discover now