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I wiped the tears from my eyes. I had just finished a new book that Hoshi translated for me from another planet as an early birthday gift. The literature there was apparently extraordinary. It seemed that, no matter what planet you were from, you could appreciate fine literature. Except maybe the Klingons. I wasn't a huge fan of their culture. I had a feeling the most tolerable literature they'd have would be How to Force Your Children Into War 101.

I checked the time. Everyone would be in the mess hall now for dinner. I decided to go see what the chef had prepared tonight.

I walked in and was greeted by Sim. He was grown quite a bit now, a couple of years older than I was when I set out with my father on the ship. Fifteen years old, bright-eyed, and tinkering with anything he could get his hands on. He looked and acted more and more like the Charles Tucker I knew every day.

"Emily! I hear it's movie night tonight," he smiled. "They're playing a World War III movie based on a true story. I hear it's a real tear-jerker."

"Yeah? I think I've seen that one. It's okay," I walked over and grabbed a tray of food. "Where are you sitting?"

He led me to his spot he had been before I entered and I began to eat.

"I was actually wondering... well, I didn't want to overstep my... It would be a waste if I saved you a seat and you didn't even... D'you maybe wanna go to movie night with me?"

"Yeah, sure," I shrugged. "It's more enjoyable to share the experience with someone else."

He grinned. "I'll see you there!"


I put my hair up and slipped on my usual outfit for movie night. A white, lacy sundress. I mostly started wearing it to get Trip's attention, but now I just wore it to uphold the tradition.

Right on time, there was a ring at my door.

"I'll be there in a second!" I made my way across the room and opened my door. Sim stood leaned against the doorframe. His hair was slicked to the side and he was wearing a standard uniform; a change from his usual t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Hey, Emily, I was just--" he stood up straight. "Woah. You look beautiful."

"Thank you! Ready to go?"

He offered his arm and I took it. He was growing so fast. He was already as tall as I was.

"So, make any memories of your own today?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got Crewman Cutler to show me around engineering," he furrowed his brow. "Did you know that when the Enterprise first set out, the captain had to scramble to get a crew for it?"

I laughed, "Yes, Sim, I was there for it."

"Oh, right... You know, it's hard to fathom the fact that you're eighteen years older than me," he shrugged.

"Almost nineteen, but who's counting?" I grinned.

We walked through the doors to the mess hall where the tables had retracted and the seats were all facing the large projector.

We took our seats in the middle row behind Phlox and, surprisingly, T'Pol.

"Hey, Subcommander," I leaned forward. "You never come to movie night. Who convinced you this time?"

"The captain thinks it best if I get to know the crew a little more," she rose an eyebrow. "Would you like to sit next to me?"

"Oh, no thanks. Sim and I are hanging out," I patted him on the back.

She looked over at him. "Then I hope your experience is enjoyable."

"You too, T'Pol," I leaned back in my seat.

Unrequited (Trip x OC)Where stories live. Discover now