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It turns out it's easier than I thought to pack up your whole life in under 2 hours. Especially when so many of your belongings remind you of your cheating significant other, so you decide you don't really want them with you when you're trying to clear your head anyway.

Halfway through my rushed packing, I remember that I have no idea where I'm heading. I grab my phone and look through my contacts. Who in this list can I pay a random visit to without alarming them or raising suspicions that I am going through the worst time in my life?

Andy? Nope, I haven't spoken to him since high school. Kate? Not really possible, I don't actually know where she's living right now. Megan? Most definitely not. She's always secretly hated me so she'd be a little too happy to hear about my life crumbling apart. I keep scrolling until I see Tessa's name. Perfect! Why wasn't she my first thought?

After coming to my decision, I check for flights to New York City and book the earliest flight for the morning. I have to say, I'm kind of glad I'm going to visit Tessa. I mean we were so close when we were younger but now we don't get to see each other as much because we live in different states. Plus, New York's not the worst place you could end up.

With about 20 minutes before the car is due to arrive, I decide that I should write a letter to leave for Max, and one to drop by Natalie's apartment on my way to the airport.

There are so many things I want to say to both of them and I figured that it was better that they hear why I'm leaving for a while; from me and not each other.

I find myself writing aggressively to Max and apologetically to Natalie. My head is full of so many emotions so I guess it's a good thing I'm getting out of this town before I explode.

The apartment buzzer rings out, telling me that the driver is here. I sigh as I stand up from my place on the couch and walk towards my bags. I look through my handbag just to triple check that I have everything I need. It's not unlike me to turn up to the airport without my passport.

With one last look at the apartment holding what were once my fondest memories, I close the apartment door with a sigh and head down to the car.

"Evening madam. As you probably know, your lovely fiance has paid me for the evening to drive you to your date tonight. May I take your... suitcase?" asks the friendly driver, standing in front of the most beautiful Rolls Royce.

I hand him the suitcase and get comfortable in the backseat of the car.

"So I'm guessing you're not heading to whatever Mr Bailey has planned for you?" the nice man turns round as he asks his question. I shake my head in response.

"You guessed correctly. Could you please take me to the airport instead? But we just need to make a quick pit stop."

After stopping at Natalie's apartment to deliver the letter, stopping at a McDonald's drive-thru and stopping at a convenience store to get snacks for the flight, we finally arrive at the airport. After bonding with Marvin for the lengthy car journey, I say my goodbyes to him and we wish each other well on our journeys.

With several hours left to kill, I wonder what I should do to pass the time. Without needing a second thought, I whip out my phone and open the Netflix app.

I must've been so engrossed in my show that I don't even notice that it's way into the night. I figure that I should probably try to get some rest before my early flight. I look around and see no-one around me in the airport lounge so I take my chances and sleep with my handbag in my arms and my suitcase under the chair.

I finally wake up, after what seems like months because of the constant turning I was doing to get the perfect positioning. My eyes blink repeatedly to adjust to the bright, blinding lights. On my third blink I notice the handsome stranger sitting in the seat across from me, who is currently scrolling through his phone.

I cough to try and get his attention, which causes him to nearly drop his phone. He smiles and leans forward. "I just wanna say firstly that I'm not a creepy guy. In fact, I saved you from some creepy lady."

I raise an eyebrow in concern, urging him to elaborate.

"I was sitting somewhere over there, minding my own business, when I saw a random woman snooping around your stuff. I figured I should scare her away so I came and sat here to watch your stuff while you were asleep."

I look at him through sleep-tinted vision, not convinced at his story.

"Not convinced? I wouldn't be either, to be honest. Truth is, I saw you here and I really didn't wanna miss out on an opportunity to say something to you. So... hi. I'm Daniel."

Daniel looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to return the gesture. So I sit up and put a hand out to shake.

"I'm Elle."

Daniel shakes my hand and offers a smile. A really genuine smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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