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In the vastness of space the crew of the dawn did their best to evade the Empire.
As Kara sat in the copilot's seat  watching as green lasor bolts flew past the ship. And as she looked over to see her mother doing her best to evade the empire. "Ayy, Elix take the gunner seats and take out those Tie fighters." Said Juno. "On it." Said both Ayy and Elix. As they both ran to the gunner seats. "Mom, what do you want me to do" Said Kara. "I need you as my copilot, when Ayy and Elix clear out those fighers, we'll jump into hyperspace, and I'll need you to hit the switch" said Juno. "Okay." Said Kara as Perion put his hand on Kara's sholder. "We'll be alright." Said Perion. As Ayy and Elix did their best to thin out the fighters chasing them and having a little to fun in doing so. "Yeah! I got one." Said Ayy.  "I'm already two a head ya." Said Elix. "It's not a competition." Said Juno. As the gunners finished off the remaining tie fighters. "Were clear." Elix shouted. "Alright Kara punch it." Said Juno. As Kara grabbed the hyperdrive switch and pulled. The stars around the dawn began to stretch and was followed by a muffled boom as the ship jumped to hyperspace. As Juno let off a sigh of relief as Ayy and Elix returned to the cockpit. "." Juno asked. "For now." Ayy Confirmed. "What's next." Asked Kara. "Now we find a place to lay low for the time being." Said Juno. "Do you have any places in mind." Elix Asked. "Off hand, no" Juno said. "How about Sorgan, it's a back water not may know about it" Perion suggested. As Kara looked to the navigation chart and saw that the ship didn't have coordinates to Sorgan. "So do you know where Sorgan is?" Kara asked Perion. "I've only been there once." Said Perion. "So..." Said Kara seeing if she'll get location from Perion. "May I have that seat." Asked Perion as he pointed to the copilot's seat. "Okay." Said Kara. As she got up as Perion sat down in the seat and he looked over the navigation chart and started plugging in the coordinates as he mumbled to himself. "There the coordinates are set in." Said Perion as he got up from the copilot seat. "Okay." Said Kara as she sat back in the seat. "Are you sure." Kara asked with slight concern. "Pretty sure." Said Perion. "Alright, then." Said Kara as she pulled the hyperdrive switch and the ship jumped into hyperspace.
Through hyperspace Kara sat on the couch in the lounge of the Dawn lost in thought. As Perion came up and sat next to her. "You all right?" Perion asked. "Huh?" Kara said. As she looked to him. "Sorry, I was lost in thought." Kara said. "Thinking about what." Asked Perion. "I was thinking about dad." Said Kara. "I miss him to."  Said Perion in a caring tone. As Kara managed a slight smile. "Your Father wanted me to train you if something ever happened to him." Said Perion as Kara looked to him. "Then he died and I didn't know what to do." Said Perion as tears swelled in his eyes. "I felt lost, I didn't train you because I was going to let make that choice for your self." Said Perion as he look to Kara as the ship began to shake to the point where no one could stand. As Perion and Kara tried to make there way to the cockpit to find out what's happening. When they reached the cockpit to find Juno Fighting with the controls. "Mom, what's happening." Said Kara as she struggled to get to the copilot's seat. "I don't know, were being pulled from hyperspace." Said Juno. "By what?" Perion asked. "I don't know there's no energy signature." Said Juno. As the ship dropped out of hyperspace and lost power and now adrift.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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