Chapter One: Part Nine

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Besides the low groans of the dead, the place was eerily quiet as Daisy and Emmy walked side by side. Leaving the dead attracted by the news in the dust the girls only had to handle a few stragglers here and there as they made their way down the paved road now riddled with cracks and weeds starting to take advantage of its unkempt state. "What if they're dead--" Daisy began to speak her voice but a whisper which was rare for the tough southerner.

"They aren't" Emmy spoke sternly. She was set on the matter and nothing would change her mind. She had spoken to Kai and there is no way they were dead she wouldn't believe it till she saw a body. It fell back to silence as they walked the road keeping an eye out for anyone sign of life but they seemed to either face nothing or the dead. The pair got closer to the edge of the road the shops had dwindled off but not far ahead behind a tall fence stood a school.

"Look" Daisy nudged her head towards the building. Corpses lay across the yard without a hint of movement "you think?" Daisy question her lips pursing a habit she seemed to have when she was thinking. Emmy gave a shrug before edging closer to the gate of the fence her eyes scanning around before pushing on the cold bars and letting it swing open with a creak but no movement came from inside.

"Let's find out" Emmy spoke as she cautiously stepped inside followed closely by Daisy. The dead lay scattered across the yard no sign of movement as they slowly made their way across the overgrown path "this ones been shot" Emmy pointed out to one close by its eyes open and vacant but there was barely anything left of its head with the back completely blown out across the dirt. Both women stepped carefully weapons at the ready as the got near the door. Daisy was quick to stand in place beside the large cement block while Emmy approached it and placing a cautious hand on the large metal handle let the door fly open letting it bang against the brick wall while both girls stood in armed and in anticipation of what may be ahead but nothing seemed to come.

"Let's go" Emmy spoke waving Daisy to follow. As they began to enter the building. The old school empty with the lights long gone the only sort of light came from the now open front door and distance open classrooms. It didn't seem to be too badly damaged school books and papers scattered across the floor with some backpacks but nothing too horrifying not that it would phase Emmy or Daisy anymore with the harsh and cruel world they lived in. Never the less they continued their cautious steps down the hallway listening closely for any sort of sound or movement. It wasn't a big school much like the town just simple but enough space to have some long winding hallways that seemed longer in the darkness.

"Fuck!" Someone shouting caught the girls off guard as they began looking around suddenly. Before they noticed a sign to a nurses station not too far ahead. "It fucking hurt man" the voice called again.

"What do you want me to do kiss the damn thing better?" The all to familiar tone of Kai responded.

"Let's just get this done" Troy suddenly cut the two off.

"You try laying here and getting a bullet out of your shoulder" Jay whined. The girls followed the voices down the door was left open and the three young men were inside. Troy lazily leaning against the wall with his arms folded while Kai sat over a laying down Jay who continued to wince each time Kai fidgeted the tweezers he had in the wound on his shoulder.

"Guys" Emmy spoke softly as she and Daisy stood by the doorway. All three males looked up in surprise at the sound of the soft feminine voice.

"Em, thank fuck" Kai jumped up from his seated position and raced over to embrace the girl who eagerly hugged him back.

"And what am I, a sack of potatoes? Not happy to see me?" Daisy questioned with a hand on her hip. Kai chuckled and stepped away from Emmy to hug the tall southern female.

"You okay Jay?" Emmy stepped closer to the young stocky man laying on the cot bloody dripping from his open wound.

"Just peachy Em" he joked. While she approached him and began analysing the situation "How are..." Emmy's eyes seemed to linger on the tall figure who remained by the wall whose blue eyes lingered on her curiously "all of you?"

"Still kickin' better than that lot outside... Marsh, Kase, Geo. All gone" Kai sighed as his arm remained around Daisy's shoulders.

"Do we know who they were?" Emmy asked eyes flicking from man to man for answers.

"Same group that took down our camp" Troy was quick to answer a clear annoyance written on his face

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"Same group that took down our camp" Troy was quick to answer a clear annoyance written on his face. He never did like when things didn't go his way.

"We really need to find those assholes" Kai snapped. While Emmy gently nodded as she concentrates trying to patch up Jay's shoulder. His fingers gripping onto the pillow as he attempted not to flinch with each prod and poke.

"We will find them" Emmy confirmed as she jerked the tweezers out of Jay's shoulder causing him to groan, the bullet sat between the tips of the tweezers before she dropped it into the sink "they won't get away with this" she continued as she began patching up Jay's shoulder.

"We got to fight, Em" Troy spoke his words more of an order than anything else.

"And we will" Emmy lined the last side of the bandage with tape "until we have a plan though..." Emmy's dark eyes glanced up and turned to each of them "let's get you guys home."


So sorry for the delay guys. It usually doesn't take me so long but I lacked some inspiration then had some family drama. Hopefully, I'm back on track. Anyway hope you all enjoy xx

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