Presleigh Rose Peters

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This is 2 months later. Hailey is 8 months pregnant.

My doctor had been booked for awhile, so i had been visiting a different one. Today, Dr. Brown was finally available. I walked into the office for my 36 week appointment. The Clines had been coming to my appointments with me, so that they could see their baby. I had started to realize that I'm basically just a human incubator until the baby gets here.  My phone started ringing. It was Ryan. He hadn't called me in months, so why is he calling me now? I started to overthink. Maybe he knows, maybe Bradley told him, or my mom, or, or-. Just then I felt a gush of water between my legs. Did I just pee myself, this is so embarrassing.

"Hailey!" My mom yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Your water broke."

I looked at the watery substance that was now dripping down the table and onto the floor.


"We need to go to the hospital!" The Clines said.

"No we don't, I'm not in any pain, I think she just kicked my bladder too hard."

The nurse raised her eyebrow at me. "They're right, you need to go now."

I screameed in pain. 

"AAA, there it is. Ok, we can go."

An hour later, we arrived at the hospital. (We had to go home to get my hospital bag first.)

A nurse walked into my room and asked me some routine questions.

"How are we feeling today Hailey?"

"I'm fine, I'm probably just overreacting, it's probably nothing. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

"You're not wasting my time. Your were right to bring you in, you're in labor."

"No! It's too soon. I need to go home. I'm only 36 weeks."

I tried to sit up but the pain was unbearable. 

"Yea, ok i'm in labor."

Dr.Brown wheeled me into the delivery area and propped my legs up. I pushed for hours. I was exhausted. 

"One more minute of pain, and you'll have the most beautiful baby you've ever seen."

I pushed down and screamed. I heard a faint cry.

"It's a girl" The doctor said.

i started bawling. She was gorgeous. I handed her to the Clines so that they could hold her. When I handed her over I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I had made the wrong choice. Just then, I remembered that Ryan had called me and I called him back.

"Hailey?" He said when he answered the phone.

"Ryan, I made a mistake." I said bawling.

"What's wrong? 


"Hailey, do I need to come up there?"

"No, actually sorry I called."


I hung up the phone and called for my mom.


"Yea honey?"

"I messed up, that is my baby. Not theirs. I can't give her up."

"Honey, you're just hormonal. You've wanted this since you met them."

"Mom, please get my baby back. I didn't sign away my rights yet, she's still mine."

I was begging her, I've never wanted something so much in my life. This wasn't just hormones. This was motherhood.

The Clines came back in and handed me my baby. I kept apologizing over and over again. Mrs. Cline told me to stop saying I'm sorry.

"This is your baby Hailey, and if a baby can be with it's mother then she should be."

I started crying again.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh honey, it's ok." She said and then gave me a hug. "Can I at least come visit?"

"Of course." I said. "You should be the godparents."

"We would love that. Get some rest now, you need it."

I rested until the lady who did the birth certificates came in. She stamped the baby's feet and hands and asked for a name.

I hadn't thought of one yet, The Clines were going to name her Jane, but I hated that name. 

"Presleigh, her name is Presleigh Rose Peters.:


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A few days later we came home. I loved her more than anything in the world. She looked just like Ryan. I cried when I thought of this. I hadn't seen Bradley in 2 months. He was visiting family back in Florida. I sent him a picture of my sweet little girl.

 I sent him a picture of my sweet little girl

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 No response. 

A month later I decided to go and visit him. I had to leave Presleigh with my mom because she wasn't old enough to travel yet. When I got to Bradley's house, his mom answered the door. 

"Hi Hailey!" She said.

"Hi! Is Bradley home?"

"He's upstairs. Go on up." 

I walked upstairs and opened the door.

"Supri- "

I saw him on top of some girl, naked.

"Hailey! Wait."

He got dressed and came downstairs.

"I can explain"

"Save it, I can't believe I thought I could trust you."

"You're not pregnant?"

" Yea i know. Thanks for being there."

"I am so sorry."

"You never change do you? I'm going home"

"Hailey! Wai-"

I got in my car and drove away crying, I was heartbroken, again.

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