Chapter 1 The strange man

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I do not own cirque du freak or any of its characters or lore my favorite author Darren Shan does, but Kai is my own creation though. Anyways if you like this go ahead and comment, and if you havent read the cirque du freak series by Darren Shan read it I highly recommend it!

"Imagion a small village, a place full of happyness and wonder, imagion the birds flying over the homes, as they return to their nests, are you picturing it? No? Good." I drop down from the roof as a unsuspecting man begins to walk to his door, the moment I touch the ground I stand up and the man jumps back. I raise my head to look him in the eyes, the man walk towards me for a moment until the moonlight shines and my face is shown, he sees my eyes, he sees my nose and he sees my mouth which has red on it the color of blood.

The man panicks and falls backwards and I begin to walk at him. The man trembles in fear and I smile feeling the thrill of a hunter about to end the hunt, when he gets to his feet and runs. 'Of course hes running... Oh well more fun that way!' I think to myself as I keep track of him through his scent. He runs into the forrest not screaming for some unknown reason, I follow him keeping enough distance to keep him unsure of if he lost me, but staying close enough so I dont lose track of him. I notice the scent goes faint all of a sudden, and I know hes trying to hide.

The thing about the sense of smell is even when a scent is faint, it still is there. I follow the scent to a bush and I wait savoring the hunt. After a few moments I speak outloud "So... You going to come out or are you going to run away again? I mean your going to die either way, but if you give up now it will be easier on you."... No response, I wait a few more seconds then enter the Bush and a sword is placed to my throat. I freeze in place and say "If you really think you can hurt me go ahead and try!"

Im pushed to the ground and a Orange haired man Emerges and says "I know you dont know me, but I know you, and I know you wont hurt this man." The Orange haired man shoves the other man out of the bush then says "We are one the same, though you are a unique breed, but you are still a vampire." He then says "Ill give you three options, one let this man live and come with me, two kill him and walk away or three kill him and come with me." I look the Orange haired man in the eyes and sigh, "Fine, I'll let him live, but first tell me what do you mean Im a special breed?"

The Orange haired man says "I'll tell you if you come with me, but only then. So either let him live and just come with me or miss out on learning the truth. So its up to you." I look him in the eyes trying to find and signs that hes lying, I find none and say, "Ok I'll go with you." He claps and says with a smile, "Good, now come along." He then says to the Fear strucken man "Go home, you are no longer in danger, a little shooken up, but not in danger. Also this never happened okay?" The man nods slowly then runs in the direction of his village.

As the man dwindles from sight I turn to the Orange haired man and say, "Ok im going with you now start speaking." He nods and says In a obedient tone, "Yes my Prin... As you wish." I freeze, "What were you about to say? Tell me now." The orange haired man sighs then says, "Ok, I guess im going to have to tell you everything... First things first you are a born leader, your name is Kai Shan, you are the son of a Vampire Prince, and more importantly a witch named Evanna. Unlike all other vampires you are able to reproduce, the only other vampire that can is named Malakai, and he is a Vampaneze, so thats technically makes you one of a kind..." 

I cut him off and say "First what do you mean Vampire Prince, Second if Vampires cannot reproduce how was I born, third what is a Vampaneze, and fourth and for most, who are you?" The Orange haired man seems annoyed by my interruption, but sighs and starts to speak, "Ok first I'll tell you who I am, My name is Lartin Crepsley, I am a General in Vampire mountain, my job is to kill rogue Vampires who could interfere with order.."

Lartin smiles as he makes a fire and pulls out a cooking pot, then he resumes speaking, "The Vampaneze are our blood brothers, they were considered vampires until the great war when we divided based on beliefs and ideals, Vampires drink enough blood to survive, Vampaneze kill when they drink, they believe thats how it was meant to be. Now the Vampire Princes are the leaders of the vampires, and what they say goes and nobody would dare defy them or would be taken to the hall of death, the princes have one ability other vampires don't, the ability to open the door to the hall of princes...."

Lartin then starts to fill the pot with ingredients and water then as it begins to boil he says, "Now, how you were born is a rather hard to explain, but I shall try. A very very very long time ago a Vampire wanted to have a child of his own so he searched for the creator of the vampires, A tiny man named Desmond Tiny, or Mr. Des. Tiny for short..." I instantly cut him off and say "Wait Mr. Des. Tiny? Thats a bunch of bull he is obviously destiny or something..." Larrin cuts me off and says in angry but soft tone, "Are you done?"

I nod and he clears his throat in preparation, then he starts to speak again, "The vampire eventually found Desmond Tiny and asked him if he would allow vampires to reproduce, Desmond agreed, but their was only one catch a child would have to be born by a woman, who was born with Wolf and vampire blood, this woman's name was Evanna, your mother, You are Desmonds gift, you are the Vampire capable of reproducing."

I look Lartin in the eyes and say in a disbelieving tone, "Really? Your telling me that im apparently special, that im apparently a Vampire Prince? If thats true why wasn't I raised on this so called Vampire mountaib? Huh? Explain that." He gives me a blank stare then replys with, "Ive been watching you since you were 4, Evanna said our best future lies if we let you grow up alone until your 17. So I was assigned to watch you until your 17 birthday when I would tell you of everything. When I would take you to your home."

I search his face for any signs of him lying and find none, I then say, "Well, where is this vampire mountain anyways? How do we get there? And how long of a walk is it?" He looks at me with a look that shows disapointment as he says, "Did you really think Id walk? Normally yes, but my order was so that when you turned 17 id get you there as fast as possible even if we have to flit." He then sees me with a dumb look on my face and he says, "You dont know how to flit do you?" I shrug as he moves at me at incredible speed, he then says, "Ive only seen you walk, run somewhere as fast as you can and you will see how fast you can actually run. First start as a jog and work your way up to a full run."

I stand up and start to jog, Lartin follows behind me, I then start to sprint picking up more and more speed as I ran until I was moving so fast Every thing was flying by. When I finally stopped I was out of breath thencollasped on the ground. Lartin and I made our way back to the camp so he finished cooking. I noticed the sun was finally down. I rolled over next to the fire and went to sleep.

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