Prince of Princes

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"Just imagine walking into a castle, just imagine the walk to the castle was grand, are you imagining it? No? Good! That not at all how it was."
Lartin looks at me with a strange face and says, "You keep acting like you were on the verge of death. Are you ok Kai?", I smile and say "Yeah sure, we only bled a little from the razor sharp rocks... Not like im scared im going to die or anything and by the way, why is it so Fucking cold? Its like negative 40 here..." I look at the strange cave looking Fort and say "When you said vampire mountain, i thought it was a metaphor or some shit, but no.... It has to be a legit mountain..." I suddenly hear laughter and then see a oldish vampire come out and say hello Lartin, after all this time the day of the young vampire has become. Now what was him name again?"

I look at Lartin and say "Who the heck is that? You two know each other? I thought you were watching me for 17 years, was i wrong? Wait is this a trap am I being killed?!?" I then see both vampires laughing, but not with me.... Nope they are laughing at me. Lartin then says "This is Seba Nile, he was my mentor. He taught me everything I know." The old vampire smiles and says "And I would do it all again, but not for you... You were a giant pain in the neck, pun not intended..."

I then say "So... Um why the Fuck am I here again? Please elaborate." Lartin then says in a mocking manner and smile "As you wish my Prince..." Seba cuts him off. "Before you explain that I must advice you to visit the hall of princes, wait you dont know where that is... Follow me Kai." He leads me to, two giant doors which gross me out, I've never seen a doors that pulsate like their alive before and wish i didnt now...

I notice two vampires guarding the door, and as im about to ask why the doors pulsate as they open and im pushed in by Seba. When im inside i see 5 thrones all but 1 are sat on by a vampire. I stare at the throne in the front which has no-one on it, i begin to wonder where the vampire who sits on it is, I open my mouth to ask and then all of a sudden the vampires in thrones stand up and... Kneel?

I hear a mans voice say "Welcome home Kai, we have been waiting for you! We are happy to answer any questions you may have, but only when the guest we have sent for arrives." I look around for the one speaking and see a strange buff man with arrow tattoos. He then says, "And Kai we dont normally kneel to those like us, but your an exception." I then start to ask why but remember i cant until the so called guest arrives... Im then forced to sit on the throne in the front.

I wait for what seems like hours until finally the doors open and a older vampire walks in followed by a short woman and says in a calm manner, "Thats my spot." I look up at him and sigh and as I stand up the short woman speaks in a shaky voice "Sit back down baby, if you want to sit on the throne you can." I freeze in shock as i recognize the voice its the same from my memory "Mom?" The short woman changes into a beautiful woman about my height and is wearing a dress. She smiles and pats me on the head as she says in a happy tone, "Yes, and you can either call me mom, or Evanna, its up to you."

I sit back down and wonder whats going on as the older vampire says, "Well kai im glad your comfortable and now i must ask, anything you want to know?" I nod and say with a curious face, "First i have a strange memory i remember mom saying Something like 'Take care of Malakai', am i Malakai?" Mom then says "Nonono, your brother is also your name isnt Kai, Your real name is Malachite, but the Vampires asked if Kai was ok and I said it was."

I then say with a joyful smile "Where is my brother and can I meet him, id love to see him!" Mom then sighs, "Im sorry but no, its a long story and we shall not talk about it. But i can tell you he is very strong and he is safe. You will meet him one day and when you do you will know, just look out for a strange sword wielded by a vampire, by strange i mean not of this world."

I then say with a sad face "Why am i the exception and why kneel to me be..." Im cut off by mom as she says, "Your not a normal vampire, unlike the others you are part vampire, part me. Which allows you to do what other vampires cannot you can actually have children. You are my gift to the vampires, and I only had you and Malakai to keep my brother from having a terrible life. I still wonder to this day how Darren has been, but I know he is happy."

All of a sudden I hear a vampire say "Who is darren? And you have another brother?" Mom puts her finger to her lips and then says, "yes, i have three brothers, one named Steve, one Named Hiberneus and the third named Darren. I will say no more, so do not ask." The room is silent and then mom says to me "If you ever need me I will be here. Your grandfather will ignore you unless he sees fun in the situation, but if you ever need me I will come to your aid."

I watch my mom leave and then I stand up and say "Here is your throne back sir." He shrugs and says no its ok, in fact I think I will go eat. See you around Malachite." I then say "Call me Kai, its what im used to now." As the Older Prince leaves The arrow tattoo Prince says "So... Any questions?" I shrug then pass out in the throne exhausted from the trip up the mountain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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