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how they smell, specifically.

sara: she's got a lavender vibe to her!

ryoko: cherry blossoms and almond ~~

joe: vaguely like a hazelnut chocolate

gin: fresh laundry

kugie: god masc cologne,,

kanna: probably really flowery! maybe a little like grass too though..

shin: he kinda smells stale? haha.. like stale bread yknow?

mishima: ah.. paper.. and a lil bit of cigar smoke

nao: dirty paint water

reko: some nice men's deodorant that shit smells GOOD

alice: green apple sorry

megumi: coffee but better

keiji: coffee but worse

kai: honest I don't think he has ANY scent which is scary but.. y'all aren't forgetting he was raised as an assassin right

q-taro: do you really need us to tell you.

rio: a dingy citrus if that makes sense? Like a muted orange that kind of rubbed off along with a subtle cologne

safalin: mm,, rubbing alcohol..

miley: shes like raw sex appeal.  probably like red wine..

gashu: dust, I'm laughing so much it's not funny

sou 'midori': :) it'd be a huge trouble for you to know!

shunsuke: clean, perhaps fresh linen.  A bit like glasses cleaner

naomichi: sweat and MAN

anzu: , mayhaps a subtle blueberry + strawberry?  Sounds nice, although it changes regularly, others include: masculine cologne, women's perfume, ax body spray, grass, lemon, etc.

mai: mmm nice pancakes and syrup

hinako: a subtle semi-clean scent with a hinted coconut oil undertone

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