Chapter 2: It's Time to Save the World (Again)

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"But I went to college!"

"For this, you don't need college!"

They watched as a two men covered in mud continued to fight in the brawl. It was a free-for-all fight, but the Indian kept rambling on about "good party" but "no whiskey". All the punches we're obviously fake, but it did have some humor to it.

"Why are we here again?" Arcee asked Jack.

Jack, who was sitting on Arcee's alt-mode, replied, "One of the best ways to learn about Earth is to see the media. Movies, as awful as this one is, are a good source of culture."

"So, it's part of human culture for them to participate in muddy fights like this?" Bulkhead asked.

"This is an old movie," Miko said. "There are more movies today with better fights, but this is what you get with a drive-in theater that decided to switch out its monster feature last minute!" she whisper-yelled at the end.

"My parents like to watch this movie," Raf said glumly. "I find it rather boring."

"Ditto," Smokescreen jumped in.

(Are you kidding? Cowboy movies are the best! Especially if it's a John Wayne movie!) Bumblebee beeped through his stereo so the other movie-goers couldn't hear him.

Raf translated for Jack and Miko. "He says he likes cowboy movies with John Wayne in them. I didn't know you liked Westerns, Bee."

"I still like Chuck Norris better," Miko said.

"Who's Chuck Norris?" Smokescreen asked.

"Let's go back to base now and I'll show you," Miko said.

(Come on! This one's my favorite!) Bumblebee buzzed excitedly.

"Bee says he'd rather stay," Raf translated.

"I agree. The mud brawl was cool to watch," Bulkhead said.

"Not you too, Bulk!" Miko cried out.

"And look at this part with the robot. It almost looks Cybertronian," Arcee commented.

(Hey! That's not part of the movie!) Bee whirred.

An orange and silver mech appeared on screen. He was in a dark room, his yellow optics glowing like a predator's. ::People of Earth. You are not alone in this universe. Your world is now under the sovereignty of Quintessa, esteemed Empress of the Quintesson empire. It is now your turn to bow before the great Empress and provide for her empire.::

::Ratchet to Arcee, Bulkhead, Snokescreen and Bumblebee. Get back to base; we have a situation.::

::Does it have anything to do with a 'Quintessa'?:: Arcee asked over the comms as she and the others raced back to base.

::How did you know?::

The femme looked back at the orange mech on screen through her sideview mirror. ::Call it a hunch.::

x x x x x

"Why are we here again?" Steve asked as he sat down on of the easy chairs in Tony's lounge.

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