Stay away

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Keily's POV

The elevator ride was silent. A Comfortable one. I smiled internally watching our hands entwined.

But I pulled my hand abruptly from him knowing our morning conversation.He seemed worried but I did not gave in.

We should stay away from each other. I mentally corrected myself.

God!! why am I expecting things now?? It's not like me.

Keily do you know something? my mind asked me.
Will you stop if I say No? Go on What you have to say? I fired back.

On that day Sandy said something! Do you remember? That's when I realized what she said.

If you are in a relationship with a guy you have to earn his trust and it takes long time to play a part  in his life and to reach his heart!!

But when You are married all the power was given to you already, so it's common to feel like this things. To the world he is already yours and he is all yours when you both married, that's why you have a strong pull towards him. Your heart is fixed that he is yours.

When did he became mine ??

I shaked my head to erase those ridiculous words that sandy said. Stay Away from him!! Keily.

We reached top floor. I think this floor is exclusively for himself. His PA smiled at me.

I smiled back. She seemed a nice girl but professional one. He opened his office and walked.

The interior was awesome. That comfy feel to work. The view from here is too awesome.

I made my way to chair which is opposite to his desk.

He did not asked me to sit. But this is the way I am. I still not figured why I feel extremely comfortable in his presence.

He made his way to his huge chair. The suit, the chair, the office everything screamed Aiden's name and himself is the most handsome one.

My poor heart started to beat fast just by seeing him.

I calmed myself and asked "So what do I have to do for you?". This brought him out of his trance.

It seemed like he is in deep thoughts. " I wanted you to secure my server, since someone is trying to steal my company ideas and I also wanted to know who is it I can't find him because he is tricky?!", He said.

I started mind calculating.Finding the stealer will be a matter of seconds. Securing data normally it will take several months but if I do day and night I think I can finish it by 5 days.

" Okay Aiden, I'll find the thief in few seconds and I'll secure your data in 4 to 5 days!", I said to him .

I took my laptop From my bag.

I started to engross myself in my work and found Aiden staring at me for seconds and started doing his work later.

None of us opened our mouth. I tracked the thief and found out his IP address. I smiled at myself for being this fast.

I opened my mouth to say but stopped myself when I saw Aiden with his glasses engrossed deeply in his work. He is so damn sexy.

I mentally noted. To save my poor heart I SHOULD STAY AWAY FROM HIM.

**Hope you liked this chapter!!

Love ❤️❤️ moniagnes****

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