Chapter 3

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The next morning, all the workers gathered around the trigger drum, waiting for the clerk. Haru was one of them. His eyes were determined, his fists clenched.

Soon pulled up to the truck with him sitting in it with the clerk. All heads lowered, hats removed, silent. All except Haru. He took a deep breath, went to the clerk, and said:

— I saw the ice maiden Yuki-Onna yesterday, and she ordered me to tell you. She tells you to get out of the mine, you stuffy goat.— he said in a calm and firm voice, looking into the eyes of the hated clerk. Everyone who was there and heard the youth's words sat down on the ground as one, looking at Haru as if he was mad. The clerk's moustache began to shake. — If you keep ruining the mountain and plundering it, it will send all the crystals so far underground that no one will ever get them out.

— What are you talking about? Are you drunk or crazy? What is the ice maiden? Who are you talking to? I'll rot you in the mountain!

- As you wish, - Haru replied with a shrug. - I did my job.

- Flog him, - shouts the clerk, - and let him down the hill and chain him in the stope!

Well, of course, they whipped the guy up the hill. The overseer — also a dog not the last-gave him a slaughterhouse-worse than ever. And it's wet here, and there are practically no crystals, you should have left it long ago. Here and chained on a long chain, so that you can work. We know what time it was, the fortress. The man was mocked in every possible way.

He hit Haru several times on the wall with the pick, looked at the stones that had fallen into the water, and sighed.

- Cool off here a bit - the warden said with a grin. A thin, dark-haired man with a beard. — Your mission is to get us some sapphires.

Nothing to do. As the warden left, Haru began to work with a pickaxe and a lantern, shining a lantern on himself, the guy was still agile. Looks-okay after all. So the sapphire falls, as if someone throws it with his hands. And the water went out of the face somewhere. It was dry.

- That's good. - he thought with a smile. - Yuki-Onna must have remembered me.

Just as he thought about it, I closed my eyes against the bright blue light. Feeling the chill, he smiled even wider, feeling a surge of joy. The ice maiden stood before them, smiling at him.

- "Well done, Haru. Thank you very much. Can be attributed to honor. Not afraid of a stuffy goat. You told him well. Let's go and look at my dowry. - She looked down, blushing. — I'm not going back on my word, either.

She clapped her hands and called for a few blue lights. She gave them a schedule, squatted down in front of Haru, froze the chain that bound his leg, and released it. She ran her hand over her reddened face and bleeding back. The wounds were gone. There wasn't even any blood on my clothes.

— Thank you, - he murmured, and the girl gave him a soft smile. Haru himself did not notice that ceased to fear it and to be perceived as the demon in human form.

When she held out her hand to him, he accepted it without a moment's hesitation. The moment their palms touched, they were transfixed by the warmth and coldness of each other.

— Your hands are so warm, - she whispered in surprise, looking first at him and then at their intertwined fingers. - I'm sorry, you must be cold.

— Not a bit. - Haru shook his head with a smile.

And here we go. She's in front, Haru behind her. Where it goes-everything is open to them. As the rooms are large underground steel, and the walls are different. They change almost at every step. Sometimes green, sometimes yellow with gold flecks. On which again flowers are copper. There are also blue ones, azure ones. In a word, it is embellished, which is impossible to say. Her dress changes, too. There was a pattern on it white, became blue or blue, the dress black, and now also blue or white, like a cloak thrown over it.

— Right now we're right under the mine where you work. That's why I told you to tell the clerk what you said. Any more and he would have destroyed my most precious place — my home.

Haru and sees a huge room and in her bed, tables, stool, everything, even the floor made of ice. And the feet on it do not slip.

- Have a seat, - she invited him to the table and sat down across from him. - Let's talk a little.

She clapped her hands and called up the familiar blue lights. They set the table and set it with a variety of food.

- Have you seen my dowry?

- I saw it.

— What about getting married now?

— Why did you choose me, Yuki-Onna? - finally, he decided to ask the question that had been bothering him all along. — Why did you choose me over someone else? Your dowry is fit for kings, but I am a working man, simple, without family or tribe. Besides, I'm a mortal, unlike you.

— Does it really matter? Do you want to marry me or not? - the girl frowned.

Haru replied bluntly.

- Yes, I will. - he said confidently, taking her hands in his. — I don't care if you're a demon or something. I don't care what other people think.

— That's why I chose you, Haru. I've praised the clerk, and I'll double it for that. You were not deterred by my demonic nature or the opinions of others. And now that you have also chosen me, the ice maiden, I am happier than ever. I knew it would be you. Even when I first saw it. You people tend to judge us because of race alone. Know that not all demons are bloodthirsty murderers and monsters, hunters of human souls. We get lonely, too. We want friends, too. To feel the warmth and love. - As she spoke, the girl looked sadly at her hands, which were held captive by Haru's warm hands. — You must have heard the legends of Yuki-Onna, and you know that we can choose our mates among humans. You see, we demons see much more than you humans do, including those bound by the thread of fate. I saw you when you first came here, and I watched you. I really like you. Both externally and internally. It's not as important to me as you put it, family or tribe. I need someone who will accept me, a demon, and want to spend this eternity with me. The rest doesn't matter.

And then Haru understood. I understood why I agreed to do her errand and even get married. The reason for this was not only the dazzling beauty and unusual origin. Its eyes. No wonder they say that they serve as a mirror of the soul. When their eyes first met, he saw a kindred spirit in her. Just as lonely, dreaming of family, warmth, love and friendship. They are from different worlds, but they are so much alike. And now they finally found each other.

- Thank you, - she whispered with a smile, as if reading his mind. But they were just sitting at the table and looking into each other's eyes. Tears ran down her cheeks, not of pain, but of happiness.

She raised one hand and a large ice box appeared in it. The second took a ribbon from her hair, put it in the box, and handed it to him. The box is cold, but his hand is hot, alive, and shakes a little.

- Goodbye, Haru. Take care of this box and its contents like the apple of your eye. This is my wedding gift to you and our future children. I have one more request for you. If one day I should suddenly be gone, please - she gave him a sad smile. - Don't think about me. Forget it and move on.

— What is your name at least, my bride? - he asked with a bitter smile.

- Inessa Lockser.

Haru got up from the table, bowed low, and asked:

— Where should I go? — And he's not happy, either. There was no trace of it now, as if he had caught a glimpse of her cheerless mood.

She pointed with her finger, and the passage opened before him like an adit, and it was as light as day. Haru went along this tunnel — again all sorts of land riches looked at and returned to his face. The tunnel closed and everything was back to normal.

A blue light flew in, put a new chain on his leg, and disappeared. The box in his hand became small and Haru hid it in his chest.

(How will the story of Haru and Inessa end? Don't switch and you'll find out soon. ;)

P.S. How do you like this couple? What moments did you like and so on? (Purely questions on backfill. I think that's what I'll call this category if I keep doing it. 😅 )

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