It was just a part time job ... How did it change my life !!?

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I woke up to see the sunlight streaming in through my window .

I sat up on my bed and looked out the window ( which is opp. To my bed )

How can something be so beautiful....

Don't get me wrong here , I'm not a morning person but every morning when the sun rises, it brings with it a new morning .. With a new start .. A new day to solve all your problems , and to begin a new chapter of your life .'

Wow!!!! That was too philosophical.

I got out of my bed , that looked like it was about to break any second, and went straight to the kitchen . I like roaming about the house before I go and dress up .. What can u say ,Everyone's different , anyways ,

As I made my way to the small but comfy kitchen I could smell the already made breakfast .

"Morning, mama " I said with a sleepy voice .

"Morning dear... When will you learn Alexus , you should come down to the kitchen only when you've brushed your teeth and when you're dressed " my mom said that as she turned around to look at me .

"For goodness sakes you're 16 and you're a girl... At least look like one"

Hey... to justify myself, I do have Long hair comes till below my shoulders , it's black in colour and.....

"And for the last time Alexus , get those red streaks removed .. You look like a vixen , oh god .. Kids these days"

I couldn't help but chuckle.

My poor mom .. While she was trying to make the world a better place for me , she forgot about herself ... But the tension she has, is clearly etched on her face ... Anyone would be stupid if they didn't notice that ...

I sighed , I promise you god , the life my parents gave me will not go to waste .. And I will not follow the path my parents did ... I will NEVER make the mistake of love .. It is because of love that my parents got married after high school , because of love that they couldn't find a proper job .. As They made a stupid decision to get married right after high school and didn't go to college , and because of love that my parents can't have one peaceful night of sleep ...

Well maybe by now you can guess that my life is not exactly the perfect type ...

"Good morning kiddo ... All set for school"

My dads greeting , brought me out of my thoughts .

"Yup.... I'll manage"

"I know you can , you are my little lioness" he said that while pinching my cheek .

"Ow!!!!!" I said rubbing my cheek .

"I'll go and get ready for school now"

"Don't forget to have your breakfast before you leave Alexus" my mom said before I got up .

"Hmmm.... you don't want to be fragile like your mother now .. Do you Alexus "

My dad said that with sarcasm clear in his voice .

My mom answered him with a playful glare and I smiled and made my way towards my room , even though they have to go through a lot ... They always tried to make me feel that my life is a fairy tale .... But I think I'm old enough to know that ..

All of that is SHIT ..


I've had my shower and brushed my teeth , now comes the tough part .... To look presentable.

I sat on front of the mirror and started to dry my hair with a towel.

I normally didn't care how I look whenever I went to school ,but this was a different case , I wasn't goin to just any school .. I was going to Prescott high , which is considered as one of the prestigious schools in the state . I am one of the few that got in through a scholarship , the rest of the students who attend this school all belong to some rich and honorable family .

I looked at the clock in my room ... Half an hour left to get ready and reach school.

Damn .. I hope I'll make it to school on time .


Hey guys .... :)

This is the my first story on wattpad ...

I'm really excited and well as nervous .. I hope it turns out to be Gud :p

Pls do give your advice on how I could improve my writing :)

Do comment,

I think it's a little too early to ask for votes =p

Thanx :D

It was just a part time job ... How did it change my life !!?Where stories live. Discover now