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In the throne room Nordi asked every one to be quiet and started:" I think that I know why Mustov did it. Long long time ago he wanted whole empire of the sun in his comand, but he could not stand aganst us, the guardians."

Oscar added:" I was also in this battle."

Snow dancer added:" Somewhere it must be some kind of mysterious magic, what can stand up aganst Mustov. But noone knows where is it. "

Luke didn't still understand:" Why he did it? “

Oscar answered:"It was a revenge. He knew that your powers will grow. That's why he decided to Wait the right time. Mustov understanded, that when he took your powers he can rule whole empire."

"So how I can get my powers back? “ Luke wanted to know.

" It's complicated. " Elisa explained.     " Legends are telling that when empiryean lose his or hers powers the emperor can restore the power. If things are opposite. Things are little bit complicated."

"No then I can do something about it." Nick Shouted.

"No.", explained Elisa, "Nick listen to me, Luke must find his powers all by himself."

"Thats why I suggest you that you could help Luke in his search journey." Finish Nordi Elisa's sentence.

"Okay.", Luke agreed, "Where I must go? “

" To Sidney." answered Oscar.

Luke and Nick  exchanged their glances and said:" We are agreed to do this. "

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