Chapter 1 The Letter

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A/N Hello just a note here saying I do not own any characters created by J.K Rowling and I am just using them for my story any characters that I create belong to me only unless I give you permission to use them.

I heard an insistent, yet annoying noise.  My eyes snapped open to see the stupid alarm clock.  Even though it was the 19th of June my Aunt Milly insisted the alarm stay set.  I groaned and slammed the snooze button and put the pillow over my head, but it was too late I was awake.  I slowly rolled out of bed and let my feet touch the cool oak floors.

I rubbed my eyes and went to my mirror to get ready.  When I looked I immediately noticed my eyes.  They were probably the most noticeable thing about me.  They weren’t exactly grey, but they had an odd tinge of orange.  Ever since I started attending school I put on brown contacts every morning, my aunt insisted my eyes looked normal, but even at 4 years old I knew better.  I didn’t like or hate my eyes, they were just... odd, but the thing that annoyed my the most was my nose.  My nose was peculiar and small compared to the rest of my face; my lips were thin, but not so thin it seemed like they were pressed down.  My cheeks were round and so was my face, but my nose just didn’t seem to fit.  It looked as if someone just slapped it there in a last minute attempt.  My long brown hair flew in front of my face.  It was curly and frizzy as always, never wanting to look normal.  After attempting (and failing) to keep my hair in check I went downstairs.

I walked down slowly and quietly, when the sweet smell of cake hit my nose.  Thats odd, I thought We don’t have cake unless its a holiday or someone’s birthday.  “Whats the cake for?” I asked once I walked into the dining room.  My aunt ran out of the kitchen.  She was small for her age at 32.  She seemed fragile, but I knew better she was stern, but kind and was strict on manners, she always made me say please and thank you.  She looked at me like I was an idiot and said in her thick Scottish accent “Why don’t tell me you forg’t yer birthday!” The realization hit me. June 19th my birthday; my 11th birthday no less.  I laughed at how I forgot and sat down at the small dinning table.  Everything was small in the house, my aunt included.  From the tables to the beds everything was small.  We had a TV of course everyone in my neighborhood did.  I always watched Netflix on the TV for my favorite shows.  My aunt got out her small wand and floated the heavenly chocolate cake to the dining table.  I shoveled down the cake while my aunt yelled at me “ Well if yer tryin to choke yerself yer doin a good job!”. I smirked at her comment.  “ Oh Raine, can you check the mail please the owl should be on the perch”.  I sighed not wanting to leave the cake and walked up to the perch.  

“Hello Gimli”, I said.  My aunt had chosen the name for our owl, she really loved the Lord of the Rings, then again, so did I.  I found some advertisement letters to check out shops on Diagon Ally I just threw those on dining table until I found a sealed letter.  I looked at it “ Hey Aunt Milly whats this?”.  My aunt grabbed the letter and she gasped. “Oh dear its yer letter yer gonna go to the wizardin school I was tellin you about!”.  I opened the letter and read it.

Headmaster Minerva McGounagall,

Dear Miss Hallow,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  Please find enclosed  list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins 1 September.  We await your owl by no later then July 31st.

Yours Sincerely,

Minerva McGounagall 


My Aunt said “Oh this is so exciting I went to Hogwarts ya know I was in Gryffindor.  It makes me happy to see McGounagall serving as headmistress I’ll go send the owl confirming that yer goin an thats a fact no arguments!”.  I stared at the letter realizing I was actually going to Hogwarts.  

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