Chapter 2 The odd Diagon Ally

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    It was a month after I had received my letter.  I was awoken by the sound of buzzing, as usual, and went to slap my alarm clock.  Flinging my arm, I hit something that was definitely not my alarm clock.  A surprised squawk emanated from the area of where my alarm clock was.  I lifted my head up to see Gimli sitting there looking, not too pleased that I hit him.  “Gimli! What are you doing in my room you silly little owl”.  Gimli got off my alarm clock and flew around my room, to see my aunt coming up with breakfast.  My aunt walked in as Gimli perched on her shoulder.  “I thought I would bring you breakfast in bed since we have a big day ahead of us”. “Well, what are we doing today?” I asked eating my breakfast.  My aunt adjusted her dress, she always wore dresses, “We are goin’ to Diagon Alley Sweet ‘eart, you need to get yer supplies for the school year”.  I put down my fork “Where is Diagon Alley anyways and why haven’t I been there before? Also, how come I didn’t go to a wizarding school before all this?”.  My aunt just sighed slightly annoyed.  “I promised your mother before you come of age that I would immerse you into a Muggle world."  “Well the Muggle world seems dreadfully dull to me” I commented “What happened to my mother?”. My aunt went silent after I asked that.  She never really talked about my parents much, to her it was a sensitive subject.  I never knew what happened to them, whether they abandoned me or died she refused to tell.  My aunt just clapped her hands together ignoring all my questions “Well, go on get dressed, we haven’t got all day”.  

    I got up out of bed and put on jeans and a flannel shirt with royal blue converse (my favorite color), and went downstairs.  “Alright, so if we want to get everything on your list we are going to have to use Floo Powder”.  I groaned.  I hated using Floo Powder it made me feel shaky after and I had the worst time walking every time I used it.  “Make sure to speak clearly or else who knows where you might end up, remember what happened...” “Yes yes I know!  It won’t happen again”.  My aunt just smirked at my embarrassment.  She walked into our tiny fire place and said very clearly...and loudly “Diagon Alley!”.  The fire erupted and took her with it.  I walked into the fire place and made sure I said the words clearly this time “Diagon Alley”.  I squeezed my eyes shut as I evaporated into the atmosphere and was carried away to The Leaky Cauldron.  I stepped out to see my aunt waiting quite impatiently.  “It took you long enough”.  I muttered an apology as we walked out of the pub.  My aunt looked at me then grabbed my list and said “Alright we need a wand, some black robes, for your uniform, a cauldron, some books, and a wand”.  She reached into her pockets and groaned slightly annoyed.  “Raine we’re gonna have to go to Gringots to get some galleons, I left the pouch at home”.  

    We walked into the enormous bank and were greeted by many grumpy looking goblins.  My aunt walked up to a window and rung the bell.  “Yes, what is it?’, “A hullo yes I want to make a withdrawal please”,  “Name?” asked the goblin in an annoyed tone.  “Its Millicent Hallow sir”,  “Go to vault 821, you can make your withdrawal there” he replied lazily.  My aunt grabbed my hand and dragged me to the cart.  “Please keep you hands and feet in at all times, oh and don’t fall” said a goblin who gave me a menacing look.  We were rushed away into a deep cavern with many vaults.  After what seemed like a good twenty minutes we stopped at a vault.  “Vault 821, get in take your money and get out, I am very busy today”.  My aunt just rolled her eyes and muttered something about hexes and teaching a lesson.  My aunt walked back out with a pouch of galleons and we launched off again.  

    My aunt grabbed me and led me out of the bank straight, to Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions.  The very nice tailor sized me up and said it would take about an hour to get my robes ready.  My aunt paid her and we walked outside.  “Ok sweetie, here. Take, lets say, 30 galleons, yea, that should be enough to Eeylops Owl Emporium and Ollivanders”.  “I thought we already have an owl” I said I was almost positive Gimli was going to get very jealous.  “Well I need someone to keep me company and plus you can’t take him with you he doesn’t like train rides”.  I giggled at her comment and went to Eeylops.  I walked in and saw the many beautiful owls sitting in their cages quietly.  I saw many different owls but one caught my eye.  The owl had beautiful grey feathers with wise and kind yellow eyes.  I gently picked up the cage and paid for the owl.  “Thats an odd one this owl” said the person at the cash register.  “Usually starts going wild when you pick up the cage he must seem to like you”.  I shrugged and smiled as I walked outside with my owl.  

    With my owl in hand, I walked to Ollivander’s.  I pushed the door open an there was s slight jingle.  A man with white hair showed up at the counter.  “Oh, yes yes, come in come in!  We have many wands to chose from so you’re guaranteed to find the wand that chooses you!  This is your first year correct?”.  I nodded shyly and I walked up to the counter.  “Alright now lets see here... Ah!  Yes, Maple with unicorn tail hair very springy, give it a try!”.  I reached out for the wand but he pulled it back quickly.  “No no that won’t work, how about dragon heartstring mahogany surprisingly swishy?”.  I touched the wand but he pulled it back again “Oh dear this may take a while, but be patient be patient a wand will find you”.  We repeated the same process with over 25 wands.  Finally, Mr. Ollivander sighed “Okay this is the only wand I can think of for you”.  He handed me a slim pale wand with maple carvings engraved in it.  “This is a Yew wood wand with a phoenix core slightly springy”.  I grabbed it and felt a rush of power all over me leaving my body with a slight tingle.  “Ah, yes it is odd that one should choose you”.  “Why is that?” I asked.  “Well you have heard of... He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named” “Yes” “Well his wand was just like yours well slightly bigger” “Oh..” I said slightly disturbed that a wand like that would choose me. “But anyone with a phoenix core does great things my dear and just because you have a wand like him doesn’t mean you will be like him, maybe you will go on to do great things eh? well thats enough talk don’t want to listen to an old man now do you?”.  I smiled and him and sighed.  I paid for my wand and left.  

    Once I walked outside I found my aunt.  “Well, what did you get?  Oh!  Thats a beautiful owl you got there, what are you gonna name em?” “Oh, I haven’t thought about it yet” “Well, what does he remind you of?”.  I thought he seemed very kind and very wise and he chose his friends carefully, “I think I’ll name him Gandalf” I said.  “Lord of the Rings character very nice indeed, so what wand did you get?”.  “Well,” I said hesitating, “Its Yew wood slightly springy phoenix core”.  My aunt stared at me slightly shocked.  My aunt just nodded silently , her face a little pale.  She was only in her third year at the battle of Hogwarts.  “Well, I got you some gifts for your first year, here you are”.  She gave me a beautiful violin and a nimbus 3000 broom.  I gasped and hugged her. “Oh thank you thank you thank you!  I promise to use it all the time!”.  My aunt just smiled, “Well, thats enough shopping for today don’t you think?  Lets go home”.

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