Chapter 1

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Jin stood in front of the mirror taking in the fact that he is getting married to the love of his life.He should prolly nervous about the fact that he is finally getting married, that it's his big day.But to no one's surprise except his, he was not nervous.It felt like it had a long time coming and they were just making it official with a paper and pen.And by the looks that Jungkook keeps giving him, he prolly should stop staring at the mirror.They had decided to ditch traditions when they realised that all the best men had no common taste at all and decided that they would all wear whatever they felt like as long as it was formal which judging by  Jungkook's shoes,  they decided they won't follow that either but Jin couldn't bring himself to care.Not when Jin looked better than he ever did, if that was possible and it was very much possible but Jin just liked to brag that he looks amazing and all of them let him.

All of them in their little family that they made together.Heck! Jimin and Taehyung  made sure he never even thought otherwise.He remembers the one time he managed to get all of them together for dinner, he had looked absolutely terrible that day yet they didn't even let him say that he looked ugly.They shushed him before he even said I.And his fiance was even more terrible, whenever he said he looked terrible, Namjoon would shut him up by kissing him and then made it his goal to repeatedly remind Jin that he was worldwide handsome and that he was the luckiest person on earth.

Just then the violins start, calling Jin's attention to the fact that he needs to walk down the aisle now and he will finally be able to get a glimpse of how his about to be husband looks.

Namjoon was the opposite of Jin as he got ready to go wait for Jin to walk down the aisle, his hands kept shaking.He was so goddamned nervous.Thank the  God that Taehyungie and Yoongi hyung were there because if it wasn't for them, he was sure to try to run away with how anxious and nervous he felt. Taehyung's sweet smiles and reassurances were what kept him from having a  break down right before his wedding while Yoongi's little roasts were more then welcome to take his attention of the fact that he was nervous.He didn't even understand why he was so nervous he just was. Taehyung gave him a back hug and a warm smile before walking with him to where the priest was standing.There were less than 50 people in the whole room.The decor completely done by Taehyung and Jimin with little inputs from the rest of them was simple but it felt like out of a fairytale. It was  out in the open air, in a garden ; there were tall trees surrounding them. The whole area lit up by only the moon, the stars and fairylights decorating the trees.The theme for the tables had been white with little flowers of black and a lantern right in the middle.The yellowish lights giving it a fairy tale kind of glow.The violins started signalling Jin's entry.If he wasn't so absorbed in looking at the aisle's entrance waiting for Jin to come out, he would've noticed that the lights flickered according to the music and the moon slightly moved its position so that it lights up the aisle.

Jin slowly walked out on to the aisle in arms with Jungkook. He didn't even take a minute before his eyes found Namjoon , standing in front of the priest.He wore a navy blue suit, slight transparent beads woven into the coat of the suit shining like diamonds when the moonlight hits them.And Namjoon was the most precious gem of all, he looked exactly like Jin thought he would .There is huge smile on his face, showing of his dimples; his eyes lit up fondly while looking at Jin and Jin felt the same way he felt when he first saw him.His heart fluttered and he had this stupid smile on his face which he knew because people told him but it didn't matter now.Not now not ever really. Namjoon was the love of his life and if soulmates really exists then he had found his; the rest of the world didn't matter.

Namjoon couldn't stop smiling with all his face  as he took in the sight of Jin in a baby pink suite with white shirt.His hair framing his face in such a way that he looked like a prince.That was his fiance and about to husband; this was their wedding he just couldn't stop smiling even as Jin came to stand beside him and took his hand , couldn't stop looking at the man who he would be calling husband within matter of moments.

The priests recited their vows which neither of them payed attention, obviously they wouldn't pay attention not with how they couldn't take their eyes off of each other.The priests had to call them twice to get their attention to say their I do's.They had decided at the starting itself that their vows would be said separately somewhere more private and without the presence of their families after their failed attempts to write the vows in a family friendly manner .Then Jungkook came forward with the rings, it was not that they couldn't find any kids but he was their baby and he seemed to have no objections whatsoever doing the job.They exchanged the rings and officially became husband and husband.The priest said his part asking them to kiss now that he pronounces them as husbands.They give each other a light peck and  link their hands.Not letting go of each others hands no matter what.It had always been forever for them, the marriage  was just a ritual to get time off and enjoy each others company which they could never get tired off even after 7 years, even after an eternity.They would never get tired of each other even after seven lives.

A/N: Done.I am an army.This is a fanfic dedicated to my best friend, soulmate @crossfire_   .

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