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Some companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some people think it is good, while others think there are disadvantages to this. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


People have different views about sponsoring sports as a marketing tool of many corporations to increase their sales. Some argue that this strategy has positive effects on both companies and consumers, while others opine that this is more likely to have harmful impacts. However, while both views are valid, I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

On the one hand, the trend is disadvantageous to some extent. The main shortcoming is that there are some companies take advantages of sport events to advertise products that are harmful to consumers' health. Tobacco companies , among others, probably serve as the best example and should not be allowed to sponsor sports events. Smokeless tobacco has been actively promoted by tobacco companies using endorsements by major sport figures, and research indicates that tobacco advertising can lead to youth initiation of tobacco use. In addition, in terms of the company's prospect, abusing sports events and well-known athletes to promote its products may lead to a brand's failure. For example, a famous player who uses drugs and misbehaves will have negative consequences for the company's image and the vice versa.

On the other hand, I believe that sponsoring sports events brings many significant positive impacts to both companies and sport committees, because of some undeniable advantages. Firstly, sport teams or players are given free equipments, which they could not afford otherwise, by sponsors. As a result, players can focus on their sports instead of being distracted by financial worries. Secondly, sport sponsorship provides increased media exposure to a company and its brand. Business corporations can link their name to successful players, for example, to gain more public attention, sport fans' notice as well as media's interest. In addition, people tend to think positively of companies that donate products and equipments, so that companies can promote their services more easily and increase particular products sells.

In conclusion, it seems to me that there are many advantages for corporations to advertise their brand through sports events, although this marketing strategy has some notable disadvantages.

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