14 0 0

I skipped lunch. I felt so guilty for what I had said to Norah, even though I wasn't exactly what  I had done to her. Right after I started unpacking my things and she got over her shock, she and the cat ran straight out of our dorm. Not that I could blame her. After all, I would have done the same thing.

Not to mention that in twenty minutes, I would have to be in my first afternoon class, cooking. Hopefully, Norah wouldn't be there. I hoped that Norah hadn't told anyone what I'd done, though I couldn't blame her if she did.

Just as I was about to leave for class, Norah walked in as if nothing happened with a boy behind her. He had green eyes and shaggy dark blond hair. "Don't you guys have classes to go to?" I asked. The two of them continued to ignore me, which I wasn't surprised about. I wouldn't want to talk to me either, after what I said. Without another word, I grabbed my bag and slipped out of the room.

Now, I wasn't worried about meeting new people in my classes. Maybe I could 've worried about that if I could actually find  the right classroom.

After fifteen minutes of searching, I think I finally found the correct class building. At this point I didn't care if it was the right building or not. If it wasn't, then at least they could point me in the right direction.

I opened the door of the building with a knot in my stomach, because I could hear voices from the other side. As proven by the incident with Norah, it was obvious that I wasn't too good at making friends. But in my defense, she insulted me by calling me a human. I didn't want to be the one to break it to her, but we were all human here.

My train of thought was broken when a hand waved in front of my face. My eyes focused, and I had to look down to see the culprit. In front of me stood a woman who was at least half a foot shorter than my five-foot four-inch stature. The young woman had her dirty blond hair pulled back with a hair tie, and had her arms crossed while her pointed green eyes stared up at me.

"Well?" she said and raised her eyebrows. "Who are you, and how did you get here?" she asked for the second time, after I hadn't heard her.

I blinked before I understood. I cleared my throat before I spoke. "Sorry. My name is Evaligne Adams, and Bethany just brought me here last night?" I phrased the second part as a question, because I thought the teachers would be notified of a new student.

She looked at me curiously before taking out her cell phone and telling me to 'not go anywhere'. Where would I go? From the smell coming from one of the rooms closest to me, I assumed that I was in the right building for cooking class.

I was just about to peek into the room, before the teacher came back and mumbled under her breath whilst grabbing my arm and dragging me in.

Thankfully, there was no formal introduction to the class as a new student. Sadly, I didn't need one because I was fifteen minutes late and the teacher grumbled loudly while dragging me into the room. Silence greeted me while I was forced to stand beside her desk, and I had nowhere to stare at besides the students. Luckily, a pot at one of the small kitchens started boiling over and the teacher yelled "David! Karissa! Get your butts in gear and get to work! The same goes for all of you!" She grumbled before turning to me and asking "Do you have any idea how to cook?"

I nodded and opened my mouth to respond, but she beat me to it. "Good. Then you can be in David and Karissa's group." I took my papers without a word from her and made my way to the kitchen in the back of the room, with the two students frantically trying to stop the pot from boiling.

I felt eyes on me from nearly every angle of the room, but I kept my eyes forward as I reached the two. I cleared my throat before saying "You know you just had to turn off the burner, right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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